Chapter| 2

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Eren's P.O.V-

Here I stand. In front of Levi.
I'm scared and excited. Scared of rejection and excited of what could be, if he feels the same way.
He's still stood infront of me, too close for comfort. His annoyed face turns to confusion mixed with impatience. Another breathe of air and I'm ready.

"Levi, I'm here to confess my feelings" Levi's eyebrows raise, but there's no emotion in his face.
"I really like you and no, not in a friend way. It's in a 'I want to be with you' way. I will be yours and you will be mine." I'm tired of looking at his emotionless face, so I look down at the floor.

"Uhm, I've been feeling this way for a while and I just really want you to know how I feel before anything happens to us. Not that I'd ever let anything happen to you." I then look up at Levi again. I look deep into those eyes I can never get tired of looking at.

"Levi Ackerman, I know you like to show no emotion and you've probably forgotten how to smile, but I promise to you, Levi. I will make you show emotion. I will make you smile and laugh. I will do everything I can to make you happy and when you're with me the only time you'll cry is when I make you cry tears of joy. I will be there for you every step of the way. I'll keep you safe from harm and titans. I swear to you, you're gonna love me. No matter how long it takes for you to fall. So, uh, Levi, what's the answer?"

I say the last part with hesitation, afraid I had said to much.
He showed emotion. Levi had just showed an emotion that wasen't anger or annoyance. It was pity and sorrow. Not what I was going for. He looked at me a little longer before finally saying something.

"Eren, I'm sorry, but I can't return your feelings. I'm flattered and your offer is very temping, but you're just a kid. You'll get over this, I promise." He gives me a forced smile and leaves. I watch as he walks out of view from the hallway I was standing in.

I couldn't breathe and my heart felt like it shattered. The only person I've ever liked, just walked away. I felt my eyes water. Before I know it, tears are streaming down my face. I make my way to my room that I share and sit down on Jean's bunk. I'm too sad and tired to climb onto mine. I put my face into my hands and start bawling. It hurts. My heart really hurts and I don't know what to do.

I hear the door open, but I don't care. I know I need to let it out before I can ever face Levi again. "Hey, brat, Armin's looking for you." It's Jean. I hear his footsteps come closer. I stopped crying but my face is still buried in my hands. I know if I lift my face from my hands, he'll know I was crying.

"You might wanna go back to Armin, before he- Are you crying?" His annoyed voice turned to a concerned one. Why the hell should he be concerned that i'm crying. If anything he should be laughing at me. I sigh and put my hands down, letting the tears that were in my hands drip to my fingertips.

"And what if I was." I reply with no emotion. Usually I would tell him to screw off and lie about me crying, saying I just had allergies or something, but right now I just don't care. I still hadn't looked up at him. I had my eyes trained on the floor. I felt him sit down next to me.

"I would ask what's wrong." I look up at him with confused eyes. He was looking at me with careful eyes. I was going to say something but he started talking instead. "Look, Eren. You're crying and I can tell you're really upset about something. You wanna talk about it or something?" What the hell is wrong with him? Jean's only this nice to his friend Marco.

He's probably mocking me. He's most likely planning to tell everyone else what happened.
I give him a slight glare and his expression turns a little cold at my glare. "Pfft. As if I would tell you. You're just mocking me! Get lost and leave me alone." After i'm done talking I turn away from him, looking at my key I had around my neck. I hear him stand up and snort. "Whatever, kid. Sorry for just trying to be fucking nice." His anger shows through his voice. He turns to walk away, but I grab his wrist. "Wait"

I feel guilty for being harsh with him. He was just trying to be nice to me and of corse I have to be an asshole. He turns around to look at me. His eyes widen at my eyes, which were glistening with tears. "I'm sorry, I'm just in a really crappy mood. I'll talk about it with you, but you have to promise not tell anybody." My voice goes desperate at the last sentence. He nods at me and sits beside me again. I let go of his wrist and look back down at the floor.

"I have a crush on the Corporal." I cringe, waiting for his disapproval and judgment. All I hear is his chuckle. I look up at him with a glare. "You fell for that old asshole?" He says while looking at me with a raised eyebrow. I blush and look down. I nod slightly. "So, what does that have to do with you getting my bed sheets wet with your tears?" He's now laying down on his bed. I sigh and lay down next to him. "I told Heichou how I felt and he rejected me." My voice cracks a little, but I still managed to say it.

"Hmm, you still call him Heichou? I remember I accidentally called him Heichou, because of how much you freaking say it and he almost cut off my head." I feel him shutter at his own memory. "Jean! That's beyond the thing I just told you." I turn to him with a frown. He sees my frown and sighs. "Alright, alright. Let me think" He says while thinking. He's so confusing, I swear. He gasp and get off the bunk bed, standing up with a hand on his hip. I sit up to ask what the hell he was doing, but once again...he beats me to talking. "We'll make him jealous!" He says with a smirk.


Jean's P.O.V-

"What?" Eren asks me with confusion in his voice.
"Simple. You and I will act like a couple in front of him and we'll see if it makes him jealous or not."

It's perfect! Eren and I will pretend to flirt in front of Marco and Hei- Corporal Levi. They will both get jealous and realize they like us. Ha! I will finally have my Marco and Eren will get short corporal. I'm so freaking smart.

"No way!" Eren says. Damn brat, don't ruin this for me! "And why the hell not? I'll get Marco and you'll get Levi. Isn't that what you wanted?" I just have to convince him. "Jean, it's not gonna work. Levi doesn't like me, so making him jealous won't even do anything and- wait, you like Marco?" He then stands up too and crosses his arms with a smirk on his face. "Huh, no wonder you're always so nice to him." He says while giggling

A blush finds it's way to my face "Shut up. Are you in or not?" I hiss. His smile fades and he looks down sadly. "It's not gonna work." His voice raises a little. "He doesn't like me and nothing that I do will change that." His eyes start watering again. Oh boy. "Give it a try. If he gets jealous or shows any signs of jealously, then we'll know he does like you. It might take some time, but I bet it'll work."

He looks at me with broken eyes.
My heart kinda tugs out of pity for the poor 15 year old. After a few minutes of him thinking, he then nods.
"I'll do it."

Awwh, poor Eren :(
Hope you guys liked this chapter!
I really take a liking to this plot. I can't wait for you guys to read more of what I have in store for y'all!
Vote for this story, so I can know that you guys enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing it. :D

Chapter Questions>>>

*How do you feel about Levi rejecting Eren?

*How do you think Levi feels about his proposal?

*How do you feel about the plan?

Hope you guys enjoyed.

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