Chapter| 14

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Jean's P.O.V~

I'm sat in a chair. The chair by Eren's bed. My head resting on my hands, while my elbows rest on my knees. My face is stained with tears. I watch as Eren's chests moves up and down. He's still unconscious, but he'll be alright. His leg and arm are now healed, but his spine is still bent. He saved Levi. The man who he really loves. When I saw him outside, half of him covered in his own blood, I wanted to strangle both Eren and Levi. Levi for making Eren risk his life. And Eren for fucking risking his life for a man who doesn't even give a damn about him. If it was a normal person, they would've been paralyzed. I don't know how he kept moving, well obviously because he's half Titan. He still shouldn't push himself like that. What if one day he doesn't heal? He can't leave me like that.


I almost forgot that Mikasa was sitting right beside me. She refused to leave Eren's side. Everything happened yesterday and we're still here. The rest of our friends stayed for a while, then they got Mikasa and I food and left. Mikasa actually went to her bunk last night, while I stayed and slept on the chair. She came right back in the morning with two plates of food. I look out a window. It's almost noon now.

"You love him, don't you?"

Mikasa's voice fills my ears again. I look back to Eren. The way his soft plump lips parted as he took in each breath. The way his eyelashes rested on his beautiful face. The way his brown hair shines under the sunlight peeking through the window. I do love him. I never thought I would fall in love with Eren Jaeger, but I did. Surprisingly, I wouldn't change a thing. I grab his hand and give it a little squeeze.

"You have no idea. He's everything I never knew I needed... But I have to let him go."

"You don't have to. At first I wasn't sure whether you were right for Eren or not. Just by the way you two treated each other, but now you two are a perfect match. He loves you too. I know he does." I let go of Eren's hand and stood up from my chair. Mikasa looks up at me with a sympathetic face. "Mikasa. I'm letting go for him. He doesn't want me that way. And that's fine, however, I'm not sure if I can be around him without loving or touching him. We need some space from each other."

I start to walk towards the door, but Mikasa grabs my hand and stands up. "Leaving him isn't going to slove anything. I don't see what the problem is when you both love each other. There's nothing keeping you two apart." I shake my head at her words. She speaks again. "If this is because of Levi, I swear. Levi will treat Eren horribly. He'll just use him, because of his young body. Jean, don't let him do that to Eren. He's just gonna break his heart." Mikasa's voice is raising and before she knows it, she starts shouting. "How can you just stand there knowing both you and Levi are just gonna break Erens heart!"

I yank my hand away from her and shout. "Eren's the one that broke my heart, Mikasa! He broke my heart! He lead me on! I thought him and I had something going, but no. No, no. He broke my heart." She stared at me with a look of shock and sadness. I shook my head and walked out of the room. Closing the door on my way out. I blink back the tears that were forming.

I pass by a room with a door open and I see Levi talking to Hanji. So, that bastards awake. I enter the bunk room and close the door. I look around and see Marco folding our clothes. I forgot that it was my turn to fold the clothes. "Oh, Marco, here let me fold the clothes. Sorry, I completely forgot that it was my-" "No, it's fine. I actually enjoy folding clothes." He cuts me off, smiling at me. I smile back and mutter thanks. I lay down on my bed and start to think how it would be amazing if Eren was right here beside me. I then hear a voice and snap back to reality. I turn towards Marco.

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