A little Chivalry

Start from the beginning

"Don't scare me like that again." Amelia scolded. "Poor Hugh has gotten enough rejection from me growing up, I'd feel terrible if his playful flirting turned into something real and I had to really reject him."

"Do you honestly have no feelings for him?" Hillary asked. "I mean you two have known each other forever, there must've been something at some stage."

"I avoided the cliché by falling for my childhood friend." Amelia answered. "Seriously though, no. Hugh has always just been a very good friend."

"Poor Hugh, he's been trying his luck with you since birth I think." Hillary laughed and Amelia joined her.

"Now leave that, what do you think about the second semester thing?" Hillary asked.

Amelia shook her head. "No. I'm quite enjoying my gap year."

"Is that so?" Hillary asked. "What exactly have you done other than sit home most of the time?"

"Nothing." Amelia answered. "And isn't that great, to just do nothing for once. Why must there always be somewhere to go or something to do, I like sitting at home and doing nothing for a while. I'll think about life from next year."

"You have every resource to go anywhere you like and you choose home?" Hillary asked, disbelievingly.

"Yep." Amelia simply said. "Sometimes keeping it simple is best."

"Simple?" Hillary asked. "That word has never been part of your vocabulary."

"Well I've grown and people do change." Amelia said.

"Not Amelia Stanton." Hillary said. "Who are you and where is my best friend?"

"Don't be melodramatic Hillary." Amelia said a little annoyed. "You can say after enjoying the best of life I now want to enjoy the simpler things."

Hillary didn't say anything but just observed her friend curiously, she knew something was different but she didn't know why Amelia wasn't opening up about it.

"So your mind is made up about college?" Hillary asked.

"Yes." Amelia answered.

"Well if you don't want to join us this year at least join in on the fun tomorrow night."

"What do you mean?" Amelia asked.

"Frat party." Hillary grinned. "Call it the most elite fraternity on campus."

"Oh no." Amelia said. "I don't quite like the idea of being around drunken narcissistic young adults."

"Ok now I'm serious Amelia, what the hell is wrong with you?" Hillary asked seriously. "Since when do you turn down a party?"

"Since I don't feel like it." Amelia answered.

"I cannot believe what I'm hearing." Hillary said.

Amelia didn't say anything but got off her bed and turned her back to Hillary, pretending to be looking through her bookshelf.

"What was his name?" Hillary asked after a brief moment of silence.

Amelia stopped what she was doing and turned to face her friend. "Pardon?"

"I've barely seen in you a while and you're acting like a girl who just got her heartbroken so there must've been someone, tell me." Hillary insisted.

"Must there be a reason behind everything do?" Amelia snapped. "If this party is so important then fine I'll be there. I'll do anything to get you off my case!"

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