Chapter 24

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Lena took a deep breath and stared at her mother. Without thinking about it, her hand searched for Brian's and she entwined her fingers with his. She had never fought before. She had never liked the thought of fighting either, but it was as if her body instinctively knew what it had to do.

"Lena, you are not going to fight us, are you?" Her mother cocked her head and Lena felt how her muscles tensed.

Lena bent her knees a little and she felt how Brian did the same behind her back.

"Brian, you're not gonna die to save the life of an angel, right?"

Brian tightened his grip around Lena's hand. "That depends on what you'll do, father." His voice sounded cold and distant.

When she had still been in Heaven she had imagined demons to sound like this. She had thought that they were without emotions and feelings. She had thought that she would see it right away. Brian had proved her wrong, although Lena wasn't sure if he was still counting as a stereotypical demon.

He probably wasn't.

"Brian, don't act like a fool. You're a demon. You're not in love with her. You can't be." His father was almost laughing, but Lena's lips formed a straight line.

"Lena, sweetheart. I know that liking someone can be overwhelming, but I can assure you that what you feel right now is not love." Her mother shook her head and she held out her hands as if she was waiting for Lena to walk towards her. "When you come home with us and let us do our job, we will show you what true love is and what it really feels like. It will be worth it, I promise." She didn't sound angry. She didn't even seem like she judged Lena for the mistakes Lena had made. She also didn't seem to take Lena's feelings seriously.

"You have no idea what I feel, mom." Lena shook her head. "I'd rather die than letting you kill him." Her voice was barely a whisper, but she realized that she meant every word. Of course she did. She had never lied before. She had never been able to. If she could say these words this easily, it was because they were true.

"And you will die. All of you will die." Brian's father hissed between his teeth. His voice was filled with anger and fire. His footsteps were clearly coming a little closer.

"No, she won't." Brian shook his head and he placed his free hand on his father's chest. "If you'll kill her, you'll have to kill me first."

"Brian, please, stop acting like a fool! You're a demon!" Brian's father was clearly getting angry now and Lena felt her heart beating in her chest.

Even though she was willing to die for Brian, she was actually hoping that she didn't have to. Deep down she kept on wishing for a miracle to happen.

"I have heard that love is not allowed in hell." Lena's mother cleared her throat and she raised her voice a little. "I do however love my daughter and I would not like to see her dead by the end of the day." She lifted her hand, apparently because Brian's father was going to interrupt her. "And I do hope that you are interested in keeping as many of your demons alive as possible?" Lena's mother cocked her head.

"And that, my son, is why love is forbidden in hell. It makes you weak!" Brian's father wanted to push his son aside, but Brian didn't move an inch.

"That's where you're wrong, father." Brian straightened his back. "Love gives you a reason to fight. And fighting for the right reason is a lot more effective than just doing it for fun." Brian's used his entire body to push his father away and he took a hearable deep breath. "You've never felt love, father. You don't know what it feels like."

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