Chapter 15

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Lena had not been able to sleep. She had turned from one side to the other. She had seen every hour passing by on the digital clock next to her bed. She had seen the sun setting and she had seen the sun rising and when her alarm went off she felt even more horrible than she had felt when going to bed.

"I hope you can learn how to enjoy it."

Brian's words kept on echoing through her head and Lena had no idea what to do or what to feel now.

A part of her wanted to give in, wanted to do everything that was described in all those modern bestsellers. Another part of her was eaten by guilt.

With that one kiss she had betrayed everything she was. She had betrayed her parents, she had betrayed her teachers and she had betrayed everyone who had ever believed in her.

Technically it was not too late yet to fix everything.

All she had to do was going to heaven, telling her parents that Brian was a demon and letting the council take care of him. She wouldn't have to tell about the kiss. She wouldn't have to tell about her feelings.

If only the thought of losing him forever wouldn't hurt her as much as it did.

Lena sighed and she stepped out of the bed. She grabbed one of her white long skirts and one of the white shirts Maria had bought her about a week ago. Without checking her reflection in the mirror she opened the door of her room to get breakfast.

"You look horrible."
Lena wasn't sure if she had ever seen Maria this early in the kitchen before, but she was not in the mood to say something about it.

"And you're wearing one of my shirts. What happened?" Maria smiled and Lena sat down in one of the chairs.

Without saying anything she leaned over the table to grab a few slices of bread.

"Good morning Maria, good morning sunshine." Brian pressed a soft kiss on Lena's hair before he sat down in the chair next to her.

"Aha, so that's what happened." Maria started smiling even brighter and she placed her elbows on the table, her chin resting in her hands. "Is someone going to explain me how this has happened and what I've missed yesterday?" Maria cocked her head and she blinked a few times.

Both Lena and Brian knew that she had heard almost every word that had been screamed yesterday and they exchanged a short glance.

"Lena told me that she didn't want to lose me." Brian shrugged his shoulders and he grabbed the last few slices of bread and one of the fried eggs. "I said she wouldn't and kissed her and right after I've done that, she locked herself up in her room until this morning." Brian leaned back in his chair and he placed the egg on a slice of bread and put it in his mouth.

"I was overthinking my sins." Lena tried to sound casual, but she knew she was failing.

Her voice was trembling and her hands were shaking.

And to make things even worse, Maria started laughing out loud. "O Lena!" She shook her head and she placed her hand on Lena's knee. "Kissing guys is not a sin." Maria stretched every word and Lena had to bite her lip to swallow her answer.

Maybe kissing guys wasn't a sin for humans, but it was one for angels. Angels only kissed guys who were their soulmates. Angels only kissed guys after the council had told them which guys to kiss.

"Come on, Maria, you do remember how overwhelming your first kiss was, right?"

Lena wasn't sure if Brian was trying to defend her or was joining in on Maria's teasing. Lena wouldn't be surprised if it was a little bit of both.

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