Chapter 15 - Black tears of necromancers.

Start from the beginning

I scowled at her and she started to run away from me. I took the challenge and ran after her, trying to catch up.

Damn, she was fast.

She stopped a few meters away from me and held out her hand towards the floor and a puddle of water appeared.

Yeah, like that was going to be much use.

But even as i was thinking it, the puddle turned to ice and i slipped, fell onto my backside and ended up kneeing myself in the head.

"Lesson two of the day, the more creative ways you use your magic, the more likely you are to catch your attacker off guard."

"What was lesson one?"

"Notorious is the best, i thought that one was obvious." She said, frowning slightly.

"You're vain."

"You're ginger." She shrugged.

"Stop using my hair as an insult."

"Don't try to outrun me."

"What do you mean try?" I grinned, and then sprung off of the ground and began running again.

Not a moment later Notorious was sprinting beside me.

She winked, and then picked up speed, over taking me easily.

She flicked her wrist and i looked to the ground, watching out for any water or ice.

And then, door.

My head hit the door first, my body less than a second behind, and i fell onto my back, staring up at the white ceiling.

"Lesson 3," Notorious said, opening the door from the other side. "Notorious is the best."

I groaned as i stood back up. "I thought that was lesson one?"

"I feel it needs to be repeated as often as possible." She indicated for me to come in, and i walked to the center of the room.

We had been meditating for over an hour now and i was getting bored.

"I cant do it." I complained for the hundredth time.

Notorious said nothing, she just sat there, cross legged and eyes closed, like she had been for the last hour.

I stood up and walked in front of her, waving my arms about.

No reaction, and so i danced. 

Still nothing.

I sat back down and sighed. Nothing. I sighed louder. 

Notorious opened her eyes and grinned.

"Got it." She whispered.

She made a gun with her fingers and aimed at the wall in front of her.

"Boom." She said, and there was a blinding flash of light and the sound of rocks exploding.

Once the smoke had cleared i could clearly see a massive hole in the wall, and behind the hole was a group of people gathered around a table, probably having a meeting.

Notorious stood up quickly and had to stifle a laugh.

"Sorry!" She said, her arms up as if she were surrendering. "Sorry... Sorry!" She said, retreating to the door.

"Sorryyyyyyyy." And then she turned and sprinted away, leaving me in the hall, with a dozen angry mages and warlocks staring at me.

"Im... Just going to... Yep..." And i ran.

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