36 - Daisuga (scenario)

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36 - Daisuga (scenario)

Requested by: xFamos-_

/To be honest, I had a hard time deciding if I was going to do this request or not... Since it involves Daichi and Suga getting in a heated argument, with at one point Daichi slapping Suga. I was afraid that by writing this that people might get the idea that I approve of violence... Which I DO NOT. What I'm attempting to do in this one shot is show how anger can do horrible things to ourselves and the ones we love. If you find this one-shot offensive or hurtful in anyway, please let me know and I will take it down immediately. -Nika/

"Oh so now it's my fault?" Daichi shouts, totally misinterpreting Suga's words... Letting anger cloud his mind, warp his words, and his actions. "Why do you blame everything on me?"

"Daichi that's not what I meant and you know it!" Suga shouts without meaning to. He meant to talk in an inside voice... He meant to reason with Daichi, and calm him down. But he is letting himself get angry...

"Oh so now it's my own fault for being angry? I'm not the one who, as soon as they came home, said, 'You said you were going to pay the electricity bill today... But you must have forgot! I had to trip up the front steps, since the lights by the door didn't come on." Daichi's voice is loud, and his tone of voice is sharp... It is like he is wielding a knife, a knife that he is aiming right at Suga's heart.

"I'm sorry if my words or tone of voice made you upset... Now, can we stop yelling at each other? Can we speak to each other normally? You're not normally like this, Daichi..." Suga, ever so slowly lowers the volume of his voice. "This isn't the Daichi I know."

Suga has calmed down too late... Much too late. The anger Daichi was feeling has infected his blood... Has spread throughout his body. Has consumed him. Has become him. "And who is the Daichi you know? Is he your butler?" Just as Suga opens his mouth to speak, Daichi slaps him. The slap is loud, and stuns the both of them into silence.

After a few minutes... After a few agonizing minutes, Suga whispers, "Where are you, Daichi?"

Behind all the anger, behind all the anger that is muffling his hearning and tinting his vision red, Daichi can see Suga... He can see a sad Suga... A sad Suga, with a red hand print upon his pale face. Did I... Did I do that?

"I know you're in there... Please come back..." Much to Daichi's horror, Suga starts crying. "It's my fault... Lately, I've started to think that you might need help to manage your anger... I even talked with a therapist. Yet, I could never tell you about it... I never could suggest that you go get help. I'm sorry. I'm sorry..." Suga's crying washes Daichi's anger away.

"It's not your fault..." Daichi whispers in response, "don't blame yourself... I'm the one that should be apologizing. I'm so sorry, Suga... I didn't mean to let my anger get the best of me... I didn't mean to hurt you..." They cry and hold each other... They hold each other and, eventually, pick up the business card and make an appointment. 

romance by request: haikyuuWhere stories live. Discover now