16 - Ukatake (fluff)

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16 - Ukatake (fluff)

Requested by: gobletofandoms

/I know most hospitals have visiting hours but we're ignoring that so I can keep this oneshot the way it is. xD/

Ukai can't deny it. He is head over heels for Takeda. Everything the dorky, but cute man does make his heart beat rapidly within his chest. Just his mere presence makes him so happy, yet nervous, that if it weren't for the energetic volleyball team distracting him, he would've embarrassed himself, by accidentally confessing, a long time ago.

Due to this, he knows that he is in trouble. He knows that he is in trouble because he is stuck in the hospital, due to food poisoning. He is stuck in the hospital knowing that is only a matter of time before the team, and Takeda visit him... Before Takeda asks how he doing, looks at him with concern in his big, beautiful eyes...It is only a matter of time before Takeda visits him, resulting in him getting happy and nervous once again... And with him being unable to walk away if he says something stupid. Takeda's visit could go downhill fast.

Upon hearing a soft knock on the door, Ukai realizes now is the time. "Come in," he says, with a small sigh. He really hopes that it is just the nurse...

It isn't.

It's Takeda.

It's Takeda with both his hair and clothes in slight disarray... As if he, upon hearing at 10:30 at night that Ukai had to go to the hospital, and immediately rushed over. Just the thought, whether it is true or not, makes him extremely happy. "I didn't wake you, did I?" Takeda asks, in his quiet yet soothing voice.

"No, I was already awake," Ukai says, with a grin that he hopes is reassuring. "Thanks for coming to visit me, Sensei." As Ukai speaks, Takeda moves and ends up siting in the chair that is next to Ukai's bed. The chair is close to the bed... Takeda is close to him...

"So why can't you sleep?" Takeda asks, his voice slightly rising in pitch. He seems worried... He seems REALLY worried.

"Well..." Ukai responds, "I normally read before I go to bed but right now I don't have anything to read... I don't know what it is, but a good story always helps me fall asleep..."

"I'll tell you a story," Takeda says, and before Ukai can respond he begins telling the story. The story he tells is filled with detail... And interesting characters... And has a good plot. His story should be a novel! Throughout the whole story Ukai is constantly wondering what will happen next...

"What about the sparrow-person and the crow-person?" Ukai asks, after Takeda finishes the story. "What happens to them? Do they realize that they are both bird-people hybrid things, and that they belong together?"

"D-Do they?" Takeda stammers, with a pink hue upon his cheeks. It takes Ukai a minute (actually a couple of minutes) to realize that Takeda had been talking about them... That he was the crow-person and Takeda was the sparrow-person.

"YES," he shouts, upon finally realizing what Takeda meant, "THEY DO! AFTER ALL THE CROW-PERSON HAS ALWAYS THOUGHT THE SPARROW-PERSON WAS REALLY CUTE". Shit, I didn't mean to say the last part out loud...

Takeda laughs at him, but not in a malicious way. His laughter is both bubbly and contagious.

I'm lucky to have such an amazing person like an idiot like me. 

romance by request: haikyuuWhere stories live. Discover now