1 - Daisuga (fluff)

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1 - Daisuga (fluff)

/I should be working on screens but I'm doing this instead ahahHA. Oh and after refreshing my page like 20 times, logging out, and logging back in, I was finally able to read the new comments xD/

Requested by _Angelic_Demon_

"Koshi," Daichi mumbles, with half lidded eyes. His mumbling results in Suga rolling over to face him. Rubbing his eyes to ward away the sleepiness, Suga gazes at his husband with a smile on his face.

"Yes Daichi?" Suga whispers in response, and bites his lip in order to suppress a giggle. Daichi's hair is flat, and is pressed against is face due to his pillow. Also, a little puddle of drool has stained the sheet below him. Overall, Daichi looks as though he just woke up from a peaceful slumber.

"You're pretty," Daichi says with a small smile that makes Suga's heart flutter.

"No, you're pretty," Suga says, all the while leaning forward and placing a gentle kiss upon Daichi's forehead. "Now go back to sleep."

"I don't want to," Daichi responds, sounding like a stubborn child. "I don't want to and you can't make me." As soon as he finishes speaking, he yawns. This results in Suga giggling. Suga won't need to make Daichi fall asleep... Based on that (loud) yawn, he'll fall asleep soon.

"If you don't want to sleep, then what do you want to do?" Suga asks, genuinely curious as to what Daichi feels the need to do in the middle of the night. Blinking his eyes rapidly to clear his blurry vision, Daichi pulls Suga close. He does so slowly, with one hand placed on Suga's lower back.

He pulls Suga so close that their noses touch.

"I want to," Daichi says, his warm breath hitting Suga's face all the while, "I want to talk to you... I want to tell you why I love you, and show you that I love you." Before Suga can respond, Daichi kisses him on the lips. The kiss, with Daichi being half asleep, is clumsy (but enjoyable).

"Darling," Suga whispers, cradling the right side of Daichi's face in one of his pale hands, "That is the sweetest thing that I ever heard. I would love to listen to you... But I'd rather talk. I'd rather tell you why I love you, and show you that I love you. I would do it right now but you are so sleepy that you'd probably forget."

Daichi chuckles, and nuzzles his face into Suga's hand. "You're as sweet as sugar."

"You've used that joke way to much," Suga says, yet he finds himself laughing. After a brief pause, Suga adds. "You're sweeter. You're prettier too."

"No, you are."

"No, you are."

The two continue to bicker until Daichi falls asleep... Until Daichi falls asleep, with one of his arms draped across Suga, and their faces just a centimeter apart.


"You're pretty, Daichi," Suga chirps, just as Daichi takes a bite of his toast. Upon hearing Suga speak, Daichi coughs, before managing to swallow his toast.

"W-Where did that come from?" He exclaims, with wide eyes. He is use to calling Suga pretty, not the other way around.

"Ah, you forgot," Suga says, with a giggle. Upon seeing Daichi's confused expression, he explains. "You talked to me last night, when you were half awake. We got into an argument about who is prettier. I won because you feel asleep... You better get used to being prettier than me, Daichi." Rising out of his seat in order to get another cup of coffee, Suga soon walks past Daichi. Or rather, attempts to.

Two muscular arms wrap themselves around his waist and pull him backwards. They pull him back until Suga is sitting on Daichi's lap. "You're prettier, and that's final," Daichi says, before covering Suga's face in kisses. "Now admit it, or I'll tickle you."

"You wouldn't dare," Suga hisses. His words earn him a mischievous smile.

"DAICHI," Suga yells, in between fits of laugher, "YOU ARE SUCH A PRETTY JERK!"

/Was that fluffy enough for you? :3/

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