14 - TeruDai (fluff)

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14 - TeruDai (fluff)

Requested by: pandarules617

/Terushima was in the anime for like five seconds which means my portrayal of him is going to be horrible. Sorry~/

Daichi hates shopping. Having to hunt for deals, and having to hunt for open spaces to get past people in crowds is not his idea of fun. Yet Terushima loves it... He seems to thrive on every encounter (whether positive or negative) he has with someone. Luckily, Daichi manages to convince Terushima to have them go somewhere else on a date. Such as the movies.

But today, Daichi can't convince him. Hell, he isn't even going to try to convince him. It's Terushima's birthday and if he wants to go shopping, they'll go shopping. They'll go shopping with even if it kills him (which it almost does, especially if it involves jewelry).

"I'm so happy," Terushima says, "my wonderful boyfriend is going to take me shopping for earrings~ In fact I could nearly die of happiness," his words would seem genuine if it weren't for the fact that he had a shit eating grin on his face the whole entire time.

"Yeah yeah," Daichi mutters, with a heavy sigh "let's get this over with."


They have been out shopping for five hours. And three of those hours they have been in the SAME store. Why have they been in the same store for so long? Because Terushima can't make up his mind about which pair of earrings he should buy. If he bought both, it would be expensive... He knows that yet, he still can't decide. He wants to buy both. He needs to buy both. Or more accurately, have Daichi buy both for him.

"Just buy them both," Daichi whispers, having used most of his energy to remain standing. "I don't care anymore... Just buy both." Needing little encouragement, Terushima hurries over to the check out counter and buys both pairs of earrings.

Much to his surprise, as they exit the store, Terushima intertwines one of his hands with Daichi's, and pulls him closer. Close enough to kiss him on the cheek. "Thanks, Daichi," he says, with one of his rare, genuine smiles. "I know it was hard for you... It would've been easier if you had your ears pierced because then we each could buy our own pair and share."

"I've said it a million times and I'll say it again, I'm not getting my ears pierced," Daichi mutters, feeling mostly annoyed, but a little happy. He is happy that Terushima is happy.

"You'd look really hot though," Terushima insists.



"Not even if I gave you a reward?"


/This came out bad whoops~ I never thought of shipping them together before, tbh. I doesn't help that I usually refer to Terushima as "Delinquent" which leads to me having to look up his real name on the Haikyuu Wiki xD/

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