.:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Nineteen

Start from the beginning

I couldn't say that, though. Colby would take it the wrong way and he'd also find out we stalked him. Not a good idea. He might've agreed with the car wash part. After all, they had seemed like they were getting along. Sort of. 

He sighed, leaning back in his chair. "Okay, whatever. You know, you're too good."

I snorted. "At what? Kissing?" I wiggled my eyebrows at him before laughing.

"You look weird when you do that, you know. It's like, I don't know. But, I mean, you're too nice. You don't even want your ex, who's a beer and drug addict, to get hurt. If I were in your position, I'd be going 'Kill that mother fudger!'" He said, mocking my voice in some high pitched tone.

I scoffed. "Hey. I don't sound like that."

Still in the falsetto voice, he mocked. "Hey, I don't sound like that. Blah-de-blah-de-blah." He broke into an amused grin.

I smacked his arm. "Seriously."


"Stop copying me!"

"Stop copying me." He turned to his normal voice. "Actually, I ain't copying you. You just happen to say everything that I was planning on saying before I have a chance to say it."

Dang. Smart answer. I'm gonna steal that from him. I'd probably use it on my dad. Not Tina or Alina, because they'd steal it, too, then Colby would realize they got it from me then. . .Whatever.

I smiled, pointing at him. "Ha! You stopped copying me!"

Colby shrugged, a smirk plastered on his face. "You're boring. Copying you is like-" He started snoring. So, he was still pretty annoying, huh?  Well, I guess it's okay, since it's not as bad as it used to be. 

I smirked. "It'd be easy to be like you."

He rose his eyebrows. "Oh really?"

I nodded. "Mhm." I then said in a deep, 'manly' voice. "I'm Colby. I'm so hot that I cause global warming. I-"

He started to laugh. "You think I'm hot?"

Quickly, I retorted. "No. But you obviously think that 'bout yourself." I smiled at him.

He narrowed his eyes, nodding slowly. "Alright. Proceed with the act."

I nodded before realizing that I had no idea what to say. So, I started singing in a deep voice. "A-B-C-D-E-F-G..." I trailed off. 

"Oh? And since when do I do that?" Colby asked. He was so cute when he was offended. There was a small little crease in his forehead and-God. I gotta stop with these thoughts. I disliked him. So, I shouldn't have been noticing how hot he was.

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