Antonio Belucini

Depuis le début

And a little bit of the one on my hip, which was the roses and vines.

I now had five tattoos all together

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I now had five tattoos all together. My brothers names on my shoulder blade, mom and dads name on my lower right hip, my rose and vines on my left side, my birds on my collarbone and now my mums birthday on my right wrist.

"Katrina!" Zach hollers.

I jump in fright before I run out of the bathroom and go downstairs.

"Oh my god" I snap, "I'm here" I say angrily when I reach the last step of the stairs and see everyone in the living room.

"About time" James mutters, without even glancing at me.

I shoot him a glare and cross my arms over my chest when a wolf whistle makes me snap my head towards Nathan.

"Nathan!" I exclaim, hiding my amused smile.

Everyone laughs expect Ryder when he makes his way towards me, eyeing me up and down. "How is it possible for you to look this good everyday" Ryder whispers huskily into my ear as he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me into a passionate kiss.

"Ew. PDA people" James whines, gagging.

I smile against Ryder's lips and pull my head back and look at James.

"Oh please." I roll my eyes. "You have had sex in a public bathroom. Don't talk to me about PDA."

"That was one time!" James snaps with flushed cheeks.

"I'm hungry."

"I'm sure we can eat before we leave" I turn to go into the kitchen before Ryder grabs the back of my pocket and yanks me back into his arms.

"That's not what i'm hungry for" he smirks, his eyes lowering to my cleavage.

I gape at him and I feel a blush rise to my cheeks.
Ryder chuckles and leans his head into the crook of my neck and inhales.

"Wanna meet me upstairs in five minutes?" he asks teasingly.

I smirk and wrap my arms around his neck as he pulls away from my neck. I take a peek at everyone and see them all distracted by each other.

"What about going to Dante's?" I ask, my tone seductive and flirty.

He tightens his hold onto me and I smirk when I see the lust swirl in his eyes. "It can wait" he says leaning in.

"Dude that's my sister!" Zach groans loudly.

I drop my head and pull away from Ryder and look at Zach annoyed. "Let's just go."

We entwine our hands together as we walk to the garage. Will I take the injections? What will happen to the baby? Will I have to have an abortion. Ugh I can't do that! It's not me. I hate to say it but I have to talk with Ted and Joe.

Bad Boys Kidnapped MeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant