"Dad, can I borrow your car to go to the store? Please daddy?" I asked innocently. "Mommy please." I gave them my best puppy eyes to make myself seem more adorable.

Usually this trick didn't work with seventeen year olds anymore, but I was an only child, this trick would work forever. I was their baby. Could they really say no to me? Yeah I didn't think so. I was willing to take advantage of this trick.

"No." Dad shook his head; refusing to let me borrow his car.

My jaw dropped, "But why?" I whined softly.

"Because there's something that belongs to you in the garage that you can use." Mom answered this one. Oh come on, they wanted me to ride my bike? I hadn't used it in years. Wait, that wasn't true, I used it last week when Vero forced me to go bike riding with her. I didn't like the idea, but she somehow convinced me.

Point is, I did not want to ride my bike to the store. Imagine how ridiculous I would look. Besides, it would double the amount of time. They were being unfair! Neither of them needed their cars right now. I don't understand why they would do this to me. It didn't make any sense.

"Go on, go get it." Dad motioned for me to go, waving me out of the kitchen. I remained seated with a sad expression though. Dad took a sip from his glass and wiped his mouth with the napkin. He stood up, and walked over to me. "Come on," He helped me up. I drug my feet out of the kitchen while my dad lead me to the garage.

My mom walked behind us; what were they doing? They were acting really suspicious. Especially my mom, who was grinning like an old woman who smoked a lot of weed. There was so much excitement in her that she could hardly contain it. Like I said, they were terrible at being discreet.

My Dad took keys out of his pocket. My parents tangled together as they unlocked the garage and turned the lights on. Mom had her hands on my shoulders, giving them a big squeeze. She was being weird.

When the lights came on, they both shouted "Ta-da!"

I couldn't believe my eyes. Oh my god, right there, in the middle of the garage, was a brand new car! I jumped up and down out of excitement. Tears were forming in my eyes, it was so overwhelming. Wow, they actually got me car. Finally! This is what I had been asking for.

I turned around and hugged them both, tightly

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! You're the best parents in the world." I cried out of happiness.

They released me, "Well go on, check it out."

Carefully, I slid my hand along the car admiring it. Wow, my very own car. It was a white Mazda and I absolutely loved it. It didn't matter to me that I didn't get to pick it out. Just having a car made me happy. My parents were wonderful, and I couldn't thank them enough.

They handed me the keys, and I got inside it and checked the interior out. I sat in the driver's seat, and inhaled that new car smell. Nothing ever smelled so good. Tears were still rolling down my cheeks.

I stepped out of the car, "Mom, dad, thank you! Really, thank you so much!" I hugged them both again.

"You're welcome sweetheart." My mom wiped the tears from my face, and then kissed my cheek.

"Your mom was telling me the other day that it was time for you to have your own car. We talked it over and came to the conclusion that it was the best option." My dad explained. Aww, mom really did keep her promise. "Okay now, go to the store with your new car." He rushed me. I laughed and kissed his cheek.

"Thank you Daddy." I smiled widely and went to my car. While I started the car, dad opened the garage for me.

I rolled down the window when I saw my mom standing next to the car.

Miss Jauregui (CAMREN)Where stories live. Discover now