Chapter 42-Bitter

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"I'm sure you're far from stupid," he smiles sexily.

"No sometimes I can be pretty stupid," I laugh, causing Nathan to chuckle along with me, "I think Harry just needs to get to know you a bit more. Maybe he'll finally start warming up to you and not feel like you're going to kill me every time you come over."

"Do you wanna go home?" He quietly asks after a few moments of short silence, "I have no problem taking you home. I mean it is your son's first birthday. I can leave right after I drop you off if it makes Harry feel better-"

"Don't even go there Nathan. I trust you. Don't leave. You are welcome to stay if you would like to. I don't care if the other boys want to show up at my room with pitchforks and torches I still want you to be there. You're my friend and I care about you as long as you don't change because I like you just the way you are."

"Thanks," he blushes, "t-that means a lot."

I smile and then look out the windshield to see the snow beginning to slow down. I fasten my seat belt to look over at Nathan to see him smiling at me. It's not a sly smile. It's more like a truly happy smile. He's really happy that I finally forgave him for everything he did to me because I honestly believe that he regrets every bad decision that he made. I smile myself when I suddenly feel as though he wants to kiss me. Or maybe he wants me to kiss him. I don't know but I really wanna kiss him. I mean just look at him! He's adorable. He reminds me of a sloth. A very cute sloth to be exact. I begin to lean in to kiss Nathan as he does the same when I realize that this isn't right. We just aren't meant to be together like this. Sneaking around and all this. If we're going to be together, we need to be public about our relationship. We can't hide it. But then I'd have to choose Nathan or Harry. Oh please don't make me choose because they're both cute even though we all know that Harry is much cuter. I awkwardly pull away, allowing awkwardness to fill the car and to cause Nathan to feel rejected.

"I'm sorry. I just can't do this," I mumble apologetically.

"No I totally get it. You have Harry and I don't wanna make you do something that you're not comfortable doing. Let's just go home so you can spend time with your son."

"Sounds good."

I'm glad that he's so understanding and sincere. He didn't take the rejection to heart which actually surprised me. I figured he would hate me or something.

*Harry's POV*

Placing the cake on the table, I push it back to the middle of the table so Dylan doesn't have a chance at grabbing it. I nod to Danielle as a signal to turn out the lights, but it's not long till we realize that we turned off the lights and there are no candles lit. I feel intelligent now...........

"Light the candles Styles," Zayn states before tossing me his lighter.

"Thank you. It would help if I had some candles too," I state after catching Zayn's flame designed lighter. 

"We're looking," Eleanor mumbles as her and Louis frantically open drawer after drawer in search of some candles, "here catch."

 I hold the box of striped candles in my hand and begin to place them on the cake when I hear the sound of footsteps and suddenly Liam appears. He approaches me so I decide to give him a job and hand him some candles to put around the cake. I don't wanna put too many candles on it because Dylan will probably never be able to blow them out and I'd probably also light the house on fire and we don't want that, well, maybe the haters would but we barely have any haters so no biggie. I place the box down when suddenly Dylan picks up the box and begins trying to eat it, but Liam's quick to swipe the box from his possession.

Trapped 5: Happily Ever After *Sequel To Trapped 4: You've Changed My Life*Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin