I stayed silent, glaring at him until he opened his mouth to gave me a deal.

"We'll make a deal."  He said.  "I'll give you a flask of my blood to save your sister if."  He smiles eerily.  "If you give yourself to me for one sweet hour.

I knew exactly what he meant and yet I still complied.  I would do or give anything to save the life of my sister.  Even if it meant sleeping with the same monster that destroyed my family.  In that hour of  disgusting pleasure he impregnated me with Eri.

Only now do I realize it was his plan all along.  He wanted a vampire/hunter hybrid and he got one in Eri.  My sweet little angel.

"I swear I'll rip you to shreds!"  I seethe.

"Hitomi." Vasile ignores my threats as if they are empty sounds on a great gust of wind. "How about we make another deal."

More images flash through my head, resigning me to silence.

"I will not allow you to leave with Eri." Vasile says, standing and walking closer to me. He stops short of me, right beside the chess table in the center of the room. "But, I will allow you both to stay with me here." His long fingers stroke the sleek ebony colored glass of the queen chess piece. "You will be my wife and Eri our daughter, together we will be a family strong enough to rule humans, hunters, and vampires alike."

To my surprise a hysterical laugh bubbles up from my throat, after a moment it turns bitter and sarcastic. "Yeah, right. How about you give me Eri right now before I shoot you down from where you stand." I say, swiftly taking out my pistols and pointing them at the Pureblood.

Vasile smirks and glides over to me, so close that the eyes of my guns press firmly against the smooth skin of his forehead.  "You are a beautiful, stubborn, cold-hearted woman.  You will be a great little queen to have by my side."

I can feel his breath fan my face, warm and intoxicating like a poisonous creature.  My nose wrinkles, I can smell blood on his lips.  The blood of my family, of Aunt Yumi's family, of my sister, Eri.

My grey eyes flash with hatred, index fingers touching the triggers.  But as soon as they do I watch nearly in slow motion as a smile crawls on to Vasile's face.  In a single moment, before I can even apply pressure he swipes both guns away from me where they clatter loudly to the floor.

Then, Vasile slams me on to his chess table.  The chess pieces fly everywhere, breaking into sharp, shattered glass shards all over the floor.
Vasile doesn't care, instead his lips dominate and attack mine.

My body ignites in hatred and memories of that disgusting pleasure filter into my mind. 

My hands clench into fists and I swing with all my might.  I can feel the bones crack in my fingers as they impact against his solid jawline.

I cry out, holding my broken fingers against my chest. Agony courses through me, yet all Vasile does is draw back, unaffected by my punch.

The Pureblood shakes his head in faux sadness and moves away. "Hitomi, I love you. It's unfortunate to see you act so childish." Vasile says.

"You sick bastard!" I yell, voice screechy from the pain I feel.

He places a hand against my cheek. "I could seriously hurt you to get my way, but I won't do that. You'll come to see my way."

I spit in his face.  Saliva runs down his cheek and he swipes it away.  "You're only convincing me that I'm right about you, Hitomi.   Your fire, you lust for vengeance..."  He trails off.

I shove my good hand into his chest to try and move him away.  Vasile is a mountain, unmovable, unbreakable.

Clutching my broken fingers tight to my chest I knee the bloodsucker with all my might.  Vasile stops my leg from kneeing his crotch.

"Really, Hitomi?"  At that he throws me on to the hard wooden floor.

On instinct I try to catch myself with both hands.   Bad idea.  Pain makes my vision go spotty from the impact on my broken fingers.  Glass digs into my palms, drawing blood.

Vasile smells the air as if he is tasting a fine red wine.  His eyes flash. "Absolutely delicious."

I feel my stomach lurch, about to throw up any meager contents it contains.  "You're disgusting, you leech!"

Vasile only laughs and turns around, fixing the few remaining glass pieces on his chess board.  Only the black King, Queen, and a single pawn are left of the set of black glass pieces.  However, the white King and the two Bishops remain of the white pieces.

Which means that the rest are all just shattered glass shards scattered across the floor.  Sharp glass shards.  My good hand wraps around the biggest, sharpest chunk I can find, which isn't very big considering they're only shards  of chess pieces.

Vasile adjusts the black Queen in the process knocking off the black pawn.  He sighs.  "Oh well, you can't keep every piece."

While he is distracted I lunge from my place on the ground.  Things go into slow motion.  Vasile turns around and his eyes widen with mild surprise.  Before the glass can even scratch his skin I'm knocked to the ground by an unseen force.

"Don't hurt my master, you worthless hunter!"  Yamada screeches, holding me down on the floor.

I wince in pain as glass digs into my back, but still I try to push her away.  Yamada holds strong through my struggle.

From where I lay I see Vasile's eyes roll in irritation.  "Please get off of her, Yamada."  He says in a patient voice, though his annoyed look speaks otherwise.

Yamada turns her head to look at him.  "Oh please!  Just let me kill her!  I want to kill her for what she almost did!  She shouldn't even have the privilege to lay a finger on you!"

Vasile only looks at her.  "Now."

Yamada's eyes widen in slight fear and she scrambles to get off of me.  The vampiress bows.  "Forgive me!"

"I forgive you."  Vasile practically scoffs.  "Now go and greet our three guests at the entrance." He says.  "Be sure to finish them off of they don't comply to my demands."

Yamada bobs her head, spewing apologies before racing out of the room at top speed.

"Guests?"  I laugh through the pain, forcing myself to sit up.  "Who would ever want to visit you."

Vasile offers me a sly grin that makes my skin crawl.  "Kaien Cross and his friends, of course."

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