Fangirling. It Takes Talent!

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The rings of my alarm clock came into my dreams and I up in bed. I looked at the time. Why the hell if my alarm going off at three in the morning?! I grabbed it off my side table and groaned went my feet hit the cold floor. I stalked down the stairs, clock in hand and still going off to the three jackasses on the couch smirking. "What is this shit?!" I growled. Ty and Jerome held back laughter as Adam explained. "Well Natilee that's what the modern people call an alarm clock." I narrowed my eyes and heard the others who were now but walk in behind me. I stepped in front of Adam and set the clock on the coffee table. I put a hand on his knee and grabbed his collar with the other. "Look here. I may be from the south and I may have family in foothills of West Virginia but I AM NOT a hillbilly. Understood?! That little snarky comment was not funny." He nodded with a panicked look on his face. Jerome and Ty busted out laughing. I smiled an patted Adam's cheek. "Just kidding. She I can pull pranks too." I kissed his cheek and stood up straight.

We had recorded just about all day since we were up so early and then messed around the house. I had my laptop on the kitchen island playing an old playlist that Rose and I used to listen to while we made dinner. "13 people in one house. I don't know where Lizzy and Sammy are gonna be a me to sleep." Rose said hitting the timer on the oven. "I don't either but they said they had a major surprise for us so I guess it's worth it. If worst comes to worst they can be in the living room. I don't think they'll care." I answered. Just then a familiar song beat came on and I heard a couple of the guys groan. I smiled at Rose and we started singing along. "Maybe it's the way she walked (wow) straight into my heart and stole it. Through the doors and past the guards (wow), just like she already owned it.

I said, "Can you give it back to me?" She said, "Never in your wildest dreams."

"And we danced all night to the best song ever.We knew every line. Now I can't remember, how it goes but I know that I won't forget her 'cause we danced all night to the best song ever!" We got some laughs as we dance around the kitchen like idiots and even had Jocelyn and Annie come join us. The song started to end and the doorbell rang. Rose and walked over together and braced ourselves for when we opened the door. Rose opened it and I was tackle hugged to the ground by Sammy(Taylor :3). "Sam. I love you and you're amazing but this is a little uncomfortable." She laughed and got up. "Sorry. I'm just excited!" Lizzy(Hunter :3) cut in. "Don't tell her just yet! We need to meet the new faces! Cause I see a few." She hugged me and I turned and introduced everyone. Alright now what do you so desperately need to tell us?" Rose asked. Lizzy and Sam smiled at each then at us. "We got tickets to the VMAs!" They shouted in unison. "Oh my God!" I said almost fangirling hardcore. "BVB is supposed to be there because of their notation with 'In The End'!" I jumped in a little circle. "And One Direction!" Lizzy squealed. "This is gonna be awesome!"

*~•Magical Majestic Time Skip•~*

We sat down in our seats and I noticed a familiar head of curls in front of us. I tapped Lizzy's shoulder then put my hand over her mouth when she realized who it was. "That Harry flacking Styles!" She squealed. I laughed slightly. "Yep!" Lizzy smiled at me. "You and Sammy might wanna turn around." We did and almost fainted. A familiar war painted face smiled at me noticing my Black Veil Brides shirt. "Y-You're A-Andy Biersack." Sammy stuttered. "And you're you're Ashley Purdy." I said shyly. "Yes and Yes." Andy said. I knew by the way I was looking at them that I was making a fool out of myself but I didn't care. I turned to Sam. "That's Ashley Fucking Purdy. I'm done! I can't even right now!" I got some laughs from all five if the guys and turned back to Lizzy. "Meanwhile she's just trying not to fangirl over these guys." I said a little louder than intended. The 1D guys turned around smiling. "Hi there." They said together. I thought Rose and I were gonna have a puddle of Lizzy between us. Each of the sets of five guys we were between noticed each of and went silent except for Louis and CC. They each waved like idiots lighten the mood. I felt a light hand on my shoulder I looked over to see it belonged to Jinxx. "Can I see your arm?" He asked meekly. "You understand that's a little creepy right?" A female voice said. His wife Sammi Doll was beside him. "Right just a tad." Another voice said. "Is that Juliet Simms?" I stuttered. Andy. Kidded an Juliet waved along with Ella Cole, Jake's fiancé, and Lauren Watson, CC's girlfriend. "Must God do this to me?!" Sammy said throwing her hands in the air. The award show started and the 4 of us tried out to make fools of ourselves. It was hard but we managed except when One Direction won an award and Lizzy lost it. It was actually pretty funny to be honest. Gotta love her.

We got back late an the girls settled down in the living room. I got to my room and Jason was asleep. It looked like he'd fallen asleep watching tv I giggled a little and got off my now glittery clothes. Don't ask, it's the VMAs. I slowly got in bed but still managed to wake Jason. "Hey. You guys just get back?" I nodded and yawned. "We sat between 1D and BVB and got to talk to them. And I think they all followed us on twitter so they could talk to us. It was great. We had a lot of fun." He grinned and kissed my forehead. "You can tell me morning in the morning."

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