A Single White Rose

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Rose's POV:

This couldn't be happening! I can't lose my best friend damn it! She's made so I'm still here and now she's hanging on by a thread to. I crying quietly as I remembered entire scene that was burning into my memory.


Mitch and Natilee were in front of Jerome and I as we walked down the sidewalk. Mitch told us which way to go as we got to the corner. Natilee nodded and stepped off the curb as the light turned so we could walk. Some idiot kept going and hit Natilee before I could completely want her an Mitch could pull her back. She fell to the ground and Mitch stood there not able to move. He couldn't like her. Could he? I got to the curb and froze seeing the blood. Jerome pushed past me and tossed his ringing phone at me. I place it to my ear and heard a sweet voice. "What's your emergency?" I hesitated. "M-My friend was just hit by a car an the driver is gone." I told he the street name and everything else and heard sirens. "Sweetie do you heard the sirens?" "Yes mam." "Well I'm gonna let you go do you can talk to them." "Okay." The line went dead and I turned to Mitch. He looked at me sadly and I turned around in Nat and Jerome's direction. Natilee's eyes fluttered shut as Jerome slid his arms under her and picked her up. I went back to Mitch and he put his arms around me letting me cry into his chest. I felt another hand on my back and Jerome spoke quietly, "Lets go honey. We need to see her." I nodded completely ignoring the fact that he called me honey.

Flashback over

I sat in a dark room just sitting and watching my best friend lay on a hospital bed in a coma. I heard a small groan and went over to the bed as Natilee's eyes fluttered open as they did closed a day ago. "Rose?" She said weakly. "Yes. Its me. Thank God you're okay." I pushed the nurse call button and waited for her to come in.

Natilee's POV

I was awake but my eyes refused to open. I heard Rose crying and knew it was her because I'd heard it so many times over the almost 16 years we'd know each other. 1st grade at 6 years old to living together at 22 years old. Was she crying about me? I kept forcing myself awake until I finally could. I made any noise I could, which was a groan, to let Rose know I was awake. I saw her tear stained, mascara smeared face as my eyes slowly opened. "Rose?" "Yes it's me. Thank God you're okay." She did something off to the side and a nurse walked in a few minutes later.

Week later---------------------------------------------

I slipped on some clothes and followed Rose out the hospital. I got outside then doors and was hugged immediately. I pulled back wincing a little and saw Mitch. "I know you were worried but my ribs is broken. I managed to only get a 3 broken ribs and some cuts and scratches. He hung his head. "Sorry." I smiled. "It's alright." I turned and saw Jerome. I went up to my and caught him by surprise with a hug. "Hey. Glad to see you're okay." He smiled. "I might not be entirely if you hadn't have stepped in and stop the bleeding." He smiled and kissed my head. "I didn't wanna lose you. You're too much of an awesome person." I felt my cheeks burn a little and Jerome chuckled. "Sorry. Didn't mean to make you blush." I smiled and kissed his cheek. "Thank you Jerome." He hugged me again and nodded. "Anytime."


I went upstairs to my room and opened the door. There was a single white rose on my bed and a folded note.


Mitch called and told me what happened. I'm so sorry I didn't come see you. I love you and hope I can make it up to you. now turn around.'

Turn around? What? I did as it said and saw Jason behind me. He smiled and came closer to me. I hugged him tightly. "How did you? What did?" He stopped me. "I'll tell you later. Rose doesn't know I'm here yet." He kissed me and put his hands on my waist. He started to walk me backwards until I felt my the back of my legs hit my bed. I pushed him back. "I thought you know my rules?" He smirked. "I also know that you need rest. I was sitting you down." I felt the heat rush to my cheeks and felt bad. "Sorry. I just don't want to break my own rules just yet." He smiled and sat me down like he said he was going to then got beside me and pulled me onto his lap. "You do know that you scared me when I got that call right?" I nodded and put my head on his shoulder. "I know. Im sorry." "Don't be sorry you couldn't help it. But I love you." "I love you too." Jus as I said that Rose walked in. She seemed startled but pleased. "I thought I heard another voice that wasn't female but I thought you had Skype on. Guess I was wrong. Well I'll let you guys have fun. But not too much. Understood Jason?" He nodded. I could see it in her eyes something was wrong I let her leave and turned to Jason. "I need to check on her; something's bothering her." He smiled and nodded. I went down the hall and tapped on Rose's door. "Come in." I did and sat in front of her laptop on her bed. "What's wrong?" She looked up and shrugged. "Nothing." "Come on Rose. I know something's on your mind. Spill." I half demanded. She sighed and shut her screen. "Dakota is the problem. Okay?" She said a little bitter. "Do I need to kick some ass?" She smile a bit. "Maybe. But I might as well tell you what happened."


Uh oh cliffhanger! NOO! I'm sorry but I had to and Chey {Rose is based off her, just like Chloe in Falling For The Dead} isn't gonna be happy either. Just saying. but thanks for reading! Share and show some love! ❤❤❤


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