Expect The Unexpected

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As soon as I got off the plane and my bags I hurried to the car. I slid into the passengers seat and tossed my things in the back seat. Jason started the car and we left. Halfway home he reached over and slid his hand into mine. He squeezed it gently and looked at me reassuringly as we stopped at a light. "He's gonna be okay. He's tuff." I smiled weakly and my phone buzzed. I dug it out of my purse and looked at the caller ID. My heart sank as I read the name. I answered reluctantly. "Hi Mitch." "Sam just called me." He answered, his voice shaky and broken. He had been crying. He had all the right to; his best friend was in the hospital in a coma. "Did she tell you about what they found?" Mitch sighed. "Yeah. I knew about it. They're not gonna tell Rose just yet. Sam said that either you or I need to tell her." I fell silent; thinking. "Where did Lizzy and Riley go?" I asked. "Home I think. Riley had to go back to New York to go back to school and Harry needed Lizzy to come back and help before he went on tour." We pulled into the driveway and I saw Sammy on the porch with a cigarette. "Okay. Well we're home an I've got to talk to Sam so I gotta go." Okay. I'll be there soon. I'm getting my stuff. See you in like 20." He hung up and I walked to the house. Jason carried over our stuff inside as I joined Sammy. She looked at me then went in her pocket and pulled out another cigarette and a lighter. "Sammy you know I've stopped." She looked at me. "No you haven't. You smoked and entire pack the day before your wedding. You smoke when you're stressed; like you always have." She answered. I hesitated to take it but knew she was right. She bounced them between her fingers and I accepted finally. I put it to my lips and lit it then breathed in the intoxicating smoke. "Rose is bad off. She wouldn't go see him until you got here. And she knows we're hiding something from her." A taxi came up and a familiar Canadian stepped out. He came to us slowly his eyes slightly red and puffy. I burnt out my cigarette and wrapped my arms around his neck, hugging him. Rose came out and hugged him as well then me. "You think you can go see him?" I asked. She nodded. "But I want you and Mitch with me. Please." I smiled to show I would and so did Mitch. We left and got to the hospital within a few minutes. A nurse let the three of us go in and Rose sat next to the bed and Mitch standing behind her. I heard Rose whisper quietly in the silent room. "Jerome please wake up. I need you now of all times. Please." She put her face in her hands and Mitch rubbed her back. He two whispered to Jerome after Rose walked out. "Biggums please. I don't know why if do without my best friend. Rose is miserable and trying not to cry every 5 minutes. Just please wake up." Rose came back in and pulled Mitch and I aside. "Guys I have something to tell you that the others just found out as well." She hesitated and took a deep breath. "I'm pregnant." "What?!" We both said. "And you're sure it's Jerome's?" Mitch asked. "It has to be. I've been with only him for the past 11 months." Rose answered. "Well that's gonna be interesting news when he wakes up." I said. Adam came in franticly. "He just barged in. I couldn't stop him." Dakota walked in and stopped in his tracks seeing Jerome. "I-I couldn't have." Then something happened that nine of us nor the doctors expected for months. Jerome's eyes opened and he smiled directly at Rose. "I heard everything and forced myself awake."

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