She was almost at the end of the hallways where we were at. Right when she was passing in front of us, Dinah being Dinah, shouted my name, which of course made Lauren look our way. Unwillingly, I looked into her eyes, and that's when the box slipped from her arms.

Instantly, I ran over to help her. Shawn was too, but he was held back by Dinah; maybe so he wouldn't make a fool of himself? He did have a tendency to of stuttering when it came to "hot babes." Hey, she was only helping.

I squatted down to pick up all the papers that had scattered. I glanced at Lauren, I noticed her white button down shirt. What caught my attention first was that the first three buttons weren't buttoned, meaning that her cleavage was showing. I couldn't help but stare. I bit on my lower lip, feeling the urge to grab and kiss her. The thought of her being shirtless wandered into my mind; I imagined her in just her bra, seducing me, and nibbling on my bottom lip, and sucking on my neck.

"Um, Camila?" The voice brought me back to reality. My breathing was irregular, "Can I please have those papers?" Her eyes shifted to my hands, which held the pile.   

"Oh yeah, sorry." I was slightly embarrassed as I handed them to her.

"Thank you." She was about to put everything back in the box when she realized it was ripped.

"I can help you take all this to the classroom?" I offered.

"Uh," She was really hesitant. That was expected though, "Okay, sure." She accepted the help.

I looked over my shoulder while I helped pick up the rest of what fell; I saw Shawn still being held back by Dinah. It made me want to laugh. She was really struggling to hold him. He would thank her later though, it really was for his own good.

I placed Lauren's scarves on the pile in my arms and carried away. Lauren carried the books. I followed a step behind her, while the students started whistling again. After we passed the main hall, I stepped by her side.

She was staring straight forward, almost as if I weren't there. Finally we made it to her classroom. She lifted one knee up to rest the books there while she unlocked the room. Her skinny jeans really complimented her figure, especially considering the position she was in right now. I couldn't help but stare at her ass in those jeans. I was surely drooling. She put her leg down, and the nice view was gone.

I quickly looked up, pretending that I had been staring in the other direction the whole time.

"Where do you want this stuff?" I asked as we walked into the classroom.

"On the desk would be fine." I placed everything down gently. "Thank you," She said, while placing the books down as well. I held onto the strap of my bag, feeling out of place. I didn't know what to do now. Truthfully, I didn't want to leave yet.

"I like your belt." I complimented to start a conversation of some sort.

"Thank you?" Her perfect bushy eyebrows arched. Yeah, it must have sounded random. Well hey, at least she wasn't asking me to leave. "You know, you're very smart. I've noticed how you finish your work fast, and that you help your peers. I really appreciate that." She spoke softly.

Hearing her correspond to a conversation really brought my mood up. The fact that she actually thanked me, showed me that she cared and was acknowledging it, it meant a lot. My effort wasn't a waste, it was being recognized by the one person I cared about; by the person I was doing it all for. Now I knew that she was paying attention to it all, and that she appreciated it. That made me feel accomplished, and motivated me to keep doing what I was.

"Thank you, and you're welcome." I smiled, standing in front of her desk. She rested her arms on the desk and looked up at me.

"So today is Friday." I stated the obvious. "How has your first week of teaching at this school been?" I asked.

Miss Jauregui (CAMREN)Where stories live. Discover now