I didn't know whether to ask or not. She was trusting me, that meant it didn't matter if I asked right?

"Is the friend with the feelings you?" I asked. Her eyes bulged as if the question had caught her off guard. Oh come on now, she must have expected me to ask. One can't go around asking questions and expect any in return.

"Huh? What?" She played dumb. "No, of course not." She laughed it off, which made it obvious that she was lying.

"I don't believe you." I stated. "I won't ask anymore questions though, just know that when you're ready to admit to it, I'll be right here." I added. "Who knows, maybe Dinah feels the same way you do." I blurted out. Oops.

"What? Dinah?" Her eyebrows arched. Poor child wanted to keep on hiding the fact that she had feelings for Dinah. It couldn't possibly be Shawn, he was a guy, and well, Vero just doesn't like guys. Just girls.

"That's who you secretly have feelings for right?" I assumed.

"Camila, just let it go and please don't tell anyone." She pleaded without confirming my guess.

"Don't worry, I won't tell. Especially Dinah." I winked teasingly. Oh my god, it would be so cute if they got together. A bit weird at first, but that feeling would pass once getting used to it.

She rolled her eyes at me, "Just let it go." She said with frustration.

"Fine." My hands raised up in defense. The bell rang for first period, and we were off to class. "Awe, too bad I didn't get to see Shawn and Dinah." I emphasized on her name, stretching it out.

Vero slapped my arm. "I'm leaving now." She said as she stood from the bench.

Poor Vero,she walked away like a child who had just been grounded. With her head down low in disappointment. What did she expect from me? To help her with Dinah? I would be more than happy to, if only she would allow me to. It was very clear that she doesn't want to admit her feelings for Dinah just yet. She just needed more time.

As for me, I took my sweet time to get to class. I wasn't looking forward to it. Sure I wanted to see Laure, but that also put me in distress. Too many thoughts came to mind while being around her. I didn't even need to be around her, conflicted thoughts still entered my mind.

I walked into class, avoiding making any eye contact with Lauren. Like yesterday, I sat in the very back, the same exact seat. I wanted to be as far away from Lauren as possible, at least during class I did.

When I took out my binder, I saw the papers that she handed out. They were signed. Fortunately I remembered to have my mom sign them this morning. Before I could forget, I decided to find the courage to give them to Lauren.

Leaving my bag on my desk, I made my way to Lauren's desk. She looked nervous and afraid when she saw me. It's not like I was going to pounce on her and start a make-out session. She needed to relax. I just wanted my five extra points.

"I came to turn these in." I laid the pile on her desk, and she took a look at them.

"Thank you Camila." She said while avoiding eye contact with me.

Well, I guess that was it.

I walked back to my seat and rested my head on my desk, but faced Lauren's way. I just couldn't stop looking at her. She sat behind her desk, looking through papers. Her blue button down shirt made her look really professional. Her raven black hair was in natural waves, I'm loving it.

I was hearing a little rattle around me, but I was only able to focus on Lauren. She was too gorgeous.

"No! It's my seat!" Okay well that got my attention. Sierra needed to quiet down, there was no need to shout. I looked to see what all  the fuss was about.

Miss Jauregui (CAMREN)Where stories live. Discover now