S a t i n S h i r t s

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She writes all night.

He flirts with girls all night.

But when they come together in his room... the Cool Boy of the school and the Socially Inept Girl share a bed and make the night theirs.

Author: xPureChances

Rating: 10/10

Review: Loved it, loved it, loved it! Each character is so debatable on how I'd rank them from 'I hate them' to 'I adore them', and one of them is most certainly Jon. There are parts where you'll love Jon and there're parts where you'll just frown upon his existence. Andy is lovable but then she's also quite irritating at times but the two of them fit together because they're similar to each other and no matter what their personalities are like they make a good couple. Another amazing addition to the library as I announce this a Bucket List Book. 



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