"Go to hell," I snapped and pulled away from him.He smiled and moved his hand to my thigh. That's it.

"Get your filthy hands off of me!" I yelled. He didn't listen and slid his hands up further. I slid my chair back causing it to fall and causing attention. I grabbed his shirt and pulled him towards me.

"Oh baby, I like the feisty ones." He slurred. I growled. What is up with guys these days? I got angrier every time something came out of his mouth. "Come home with me. I'll make it fun."

"Stella! Stop!" Max yelled, running towards us. I looked up and that was my first mistake. My second was loosening my grip on this drunk dude. Mr. Douche man decides to change his attitude and get angry. He took out my legs and I fell. Why am I always getting in fights? He jumped on top of me. Where is the security? Why aren't they here yet? He started throwing punches left and right. I tried to block him but he was too fast.

Finally, he got flung off of me with security and arrested. I assessed my body in my head. My right side of my face hurt like a mother. I sat up and say that I gathered a crowd. Max's face was horrific. People was recording, kid's eyes were wide. Even parents eyes were wide. I stood up and crossed my arms over my chest. Max came over and hugged me.

"Why didn't you fight back? You could have stopped him." He whispered. That's a good reason, that I didn't know the answer too. I just lost all my sense of fighting. I forgot how to do anything. God damn.

"I didn't really want to fight him." I said and broke the hug.

"I thought you had blacked out. Those punched looked like they hurt. Are you okay?" he asked, checking for any injuries.

"I'm fine." I said and looked around towards the crowd. Everyone was still staring at me, waiting to say something.

"Don't worry. I'm fine. Those were baby punches." I said and smiled.

"Those didn't look like baby punches. I probably can't take those punches without getting hurt." someone said.

"Well I have probably been in a lot more fights than you have." I said and walked away. I walked to our gate, through the crowd. They made an open space for me and I thanked them. Adam and Ross flanked my side, and the rest of the guys went behind me. Alesa and Max walked in front of me. What is this? My own personal security? My phone buzzed and it was a text.

News now. J said. Wtf? I clicked on the link that he sent me and there was a video of me and that guy.

"Breaking News from the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport. There was just a 1 on 1 between a intoxicated man and an innocent lady. She took several blows to the head. Good news, she doesn't seen hurt but we have not gotten any new information. Stay tune for more." The anchor said. Um. Wait what? Am I the only one confused.

"Miss." someone said. We all turned around and saw paramedics. Oh great. "We will need to assess you for any injuries."

I sighed and looked at Adam. he put up ten fingers. 10 minutes. "I don't have time. My flight leaves in ten minutes." I said, politely.

"Don't worry. It won't take long." they said and pulled me away. Max quickly followed behind me. We went through a door and there was a mini clinic. It looked like a nurses office in high schools. They had me sit on the bed and lay down.

"Does anything hurt?" a woman asked. I shook my head and she nodded. "Well I hope you know that your right side of your face is swollen. Now you want to reconsider your answer?" she said rudely. Bitch please.

"I don't feel anything." I snapped. She smiled and nodded.

"Right there. That's the problem. You don't feel anything." She said. She put on some gloves and turned my head to the side. I flinched and she touched a tender spot.

"Ok, he did hit some nerves in your face. So it may feel tingling for awhile. Just put some ice on it and the swelling will go down. If you feel dizzy, nauseous or like you may pass out, call the hospital. Those are signs of a concussion." She informed and threw away her gloves. She walked out and slammed the door. Wow. Ok. I got on the camera on my phone and looked at the side of my face. My eye was already black and blue. My nose was swollen, and my cheekbone was swollen also.

I sighed and walked out of the door. Everyone was waiting for me, with their bags and ready to leave. I grabbed mine, without Max's protest.

"What did shes say?" Barney asked.

"Just put some ice on it." I said, and started walking.

"Let me guess. You arent going to do that?" Max asked, amused.

"Nope. She's a bitch." I said , smiling. They laughed and we went to our gate. We got there just in time and grabbed seats.

"You want the window seat?" Max asked. I shook my head and let him pass me. He looked surprised but let it go. The pilot went in the speakers and said information. I didn't care so I didn't listen. I put my seatbelt on for liftoff.

Oh God. I can't do this. We are going thousands of feet up in the air. We will be able to see clouds. So high up. Why if we crash? What if we all die?

I didn't know that I was squeezing Max's hand until he squeezed back. I snapped back into reality and looked at him.

"You okay?" He asked, quietly. I shook my head and closed my eyes. "What's wrong?"

"Heights." I whispered.i opened my eyes to see Max turned around in his chair.

"Adam." He said. Adam stopped talking to Alesa and looked at him.

"What?" He asked.

"It's Stella." He said "She is afraid of heights." Adam nodded and turned around in his chair. Max leaned over to me to talk to Corey and Jordan. By the time everybody stopped talking I was so confused. I was about to say something until the plane started to go on the runway.

Please don't die. Please don't die. Please don't die. I don't want to die today.

Steal A Heart ~ A Mithzan Fan FictonWhere stories live. Discover now