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Kam closed his eyes and took in a long stretch of air. His lungs filled slowly as far as they could get before he exhaled slow through his nostrils.

When he opened his eyes, there was a knock on his door. Emilia slipped in and bit her lip as she tried to hide the present she got him behind her back. Kam eased up instantly at the sight of her. She pranced over with a massive grin on her face.

"There's so many people out there. It's fucking great. I keep walking past everyone and get all happy because I'm dating who they all paid to come see," she giggled.

Kam laughed at her cuteness and pulled her against him. She wound her arms around his body. His gray silk robe covered his body now. She liked this one better than the black one he wore at the underground match. It went with his eyes.

"Thanks for coming, babe. Last time you were in the crowd I annihilated, so let's hope you still got that charm," he murmured.

She kissed under his jaw, and he stroked under hers and felt her pulse. He loved listening to her heart, but feeling her blood pumping under his thumb was calming as well. Ever since he almost lost her twice now he has been paranoid. 

"Here," she said and handed him the little box.

His brows furrowed before he popped it open. A grin appeared on his face.

"You're official sponsor badge from Probst Auto. I thought your robe could use something to spice it up a bit. It's not too flashy either, so I thought you might like it," she murmured.

He pulled out the little pin that had a gear with her shop name printed inside of it. It was shiny.

"I love it. Pin it on for me?" he asked.

She took it and chewed on her lip as she concentrated on pinning it. Kam placed both hands on her hips and she relaxed slightly. 

"I didn't expect to see you nervous today," he said.

She rolled her eyes.

"It's big, Kam. This is a big deal for me. I'm just nervous for you because I want you to do well. You haven't been doing the best for the past few matches. I have faith in you though, and I'm mostly excited."

Kam kissed her and then the door opened.

"Ready for you, Detric. What the hell is she doing here?" his trainer muttered.

Detric smirked and draped his arm around Em as he walked out the door.

"She's my good luck charm, man. Wouldn't be here without her," he said.

Em smiled up at him and wrapped her arm around his lower waist.

"This is gonna blow up the fucking papers. Love it. Alright, you can't walk out like that though. You have to be tough Kam. Independent Kam. Not needy, lovey-dovey Kam."

Em leaned up and kissed him one last time.

"Good luck, honey. Kick some ass for me," she whispered.

He embraced her one last time and smiled into her hair.

"I won't let him go without a few bruises for the morning," he promised her.

She chuckled and pulled away. She hurried down the hall to the stadium as the crowd was roaring at Kam's opponent. Em sat down in her seat right on the edge of the space around the ring. 

The lights went low and the announcer introduced Kam. The crowd went nuts for him since he was in his home territory. He came out of the hall with his hood up and the pin flashed in the lights. Em stood and howled for him a bit before plopping down in the chair. Kam walked up to the ring and stripped from his robe. His trainer took it and walked to the edge of the metal. Kam walked into the ring and over to his side.

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