Chapter one: Lucy

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(Lucy's Perspective)

I walked through the hallway, books in one arm, the other at my side. My pink ballet flats matched my cardigan perfectly, while my white skirt matched the bow that was pinned to my hair. This was me, Lucy Highton. I loved the way I was. I was girly and smart and beautiful, but most importantly I was popular.

My wealth came almost as naturally as my looks. My father owned one of the biggest oil companies in America, which made me very, very rich. Not that I was complaining. With a house as big as mine it was no wonder that I threw the best parties.

It was the end of the day and I just had to drop off a few things at my locker. I stopped at locker number 6 ( it was my lucky number) and began to unlock it.

When I opened it a note fell out. "Typical", I thought. It was one of three that had been slipped into my locker as an attempt to woo me. Which was soooo not gonna happen. I had absolutely no interest in poetic losers. I bent down to pick up the note that fell, but before I would even reach for it a hand quickly snatched it up.

I looked up to see who it was. Great, it was Jeremy, or Jeremiah, or whatever his name was from science class. I took the note without saying thank you, or even a quick smile, which was my normal response to help from a loser. I was to busy looking behind him.

There was my guidance counselor walking toward my locker. She was leading somebody. Somebody I didn't recognize.

He was tall. Taller than my 5' 9" height by at least three inches. But he wasn't lanky, he was strongly built, obvious that he worked out. He had dark hair, formed into a quiff, and matching dark eyelashes. His eyes though, his eyes were something special. Green, but not average green. Oh no, they were bright green eyes, lighter than any others I had seen before. But it wasn't just his eyes that made me look. It was his jaw. His jawline was shaped so perfectly, so prominent. It was obvious that he hasn't shaved in a day or two, but it was no more than just scruff. He was hot. But not just hot, he was very clearly the number one hottest guy in school. And he hasn't been here more than one day.

Damn. I wanted him. I wanted him more than I think I have wanted anyone in a long time.

I thought back to the guy I had spent last Friday night with. He was nothing special, just another one of the guys on the long list of people I've gotten.

You see, I have a game of sorts. I like to get people. When there is a guy that catches my eye, I make it my goal to "get them" normally it's just a party invite and a few bats of my eyelashes and I've won. Once I'm done with them though, I'm done for good. There is no emotional connection, never has been, never will be.

Matt; from Friday; I'll have to deal with him later. I'll come up with some reason why it wasn't working out. But right now I had work to do.

I closed my locker and walked over to my counselor, Mrs. Phillips.

"Hi, Mrs. Phillips! I've been meaning to stop by and ask you some questions about my volunteer hours. Oh! I'm so sorry were you in the middle of something? I didn't mean to interrupt." I said flashing my most charming smile, glancing around at my next chase, pretending that I only just noticed his presence.

"Lucy dear, no no! I was just showing Noah to his locker. He's new, just moved in from California."

Noah? huh, surprisingly it matches his appearance.

Considering we live in Florida, I would normally scoff at such an absurd decision to move to a place exactly like your original home, but because he is so attractive i'll let it slide. Just this once.

"That's great! I love new students!" I said, keeping up my good girl facade in front of my counselor. "I could show him around if you'd like. I mean you must be so busy."

"That is a wonderful idea! Lucy is one of the best Seaport high has to offer! You're in good hands." she said, before walking away.

I turned to Noah, taking him in. He has earrings that I hadn't noticed before. Small black studs. Nothing too flashy. He was dressed in all black. Well dressed in black I should say. Nothing cheap or tacky. He licked his lips and looked at me expectantly.

"We'll then Mary Jane where to? Your candy castle?" He said sarcastically.

I couldn't believe it. This wasn't the normal response. Well two can play at that game.

"Please," I said "you think Im seriously going to waste my time giving you a school tour? I thought I would be generous and invite you to a party. My party. Welcome you to school. Starts at 7:00, be there." I finished confidently as I scribbled my address on a piece of scrap paper and shoved it in his pocket, and turned and walked away.

"And what happens if I have no interest in your stupid party!" He called after me.

I stopped and turned around. People always wanted into my parties. They were very exclusive. This was getting very frustrating. I walked back over.

"And why the hell wouldn't you want to come, bad boy? Huh?"

"Because I have no will to go to stupid rich girl party full of her stuck up rich girl friends. I don't want to go to a bitch party. Happy? Is that the explanation you were looking for? Not used to that huh princess. News flash, not everybody is going to like you" he said clearly and confidently, and this time he was the one who turned and walked away.

Well this was new. Nobody ever stood me up. Ever. I left before too many people realized what just happened.

This was interesting. Was this a good thing or a bad thing. Definitely good. This made my game so much more interesting.

I was going to get Noah if it was the last thing I did.

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