Chapter five: The Party (again)

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Hey guys (: please make sure you read, comment and vote! I really want this story to be successful and I need your help! I took a long break from writing while I was going through a really tough time but I'm back and ready to write!

That's all (:


(Lucy's perspective)

Two weeks had passed since the awful rejection at my party. My first reaction was complete shock; I had never and I repeat NEVER, lost. This was new water and I didn't like it. After that I decided to work even harder to get bad boy Noah.

The answer to winning was obvious, I needed to have another party, and that is exactly what I was going to do. The party was tonight and everything was ready, now I just needed Noah.


It was seventh period and my teacher was droning on making me want to fall asleep but thankfully the bell saved me. I ran from class almost knocking my desk over. I waited at my locker for Noah to show up at his own, taking the extra time to fix my hair and check my teeth. As if on cue Noah walked up to his locker telling me it was time for my plan to take action. I walked over, my skirt swaying slightly from my bouncy walk.

"Hi, Noah, remember me?" I said with my winning smile. The question was a no brainer! Of course he remembered me...but why wasn't he answering.

He looked me up and down, slowing when he got to my chest area. I remained confident though not even flinching when he very obviously checked me out.

"No, I don't think so," he replied simply before closing his locker and walking away.

I followed him all the way out to the parking lot calling his name but he continued to act as if I wasn't saying anything. When he got to what must be his motorcycle he stopped and turned around so that he was now facing me.

"What do you want Lucy" he said bluntly looking slightly annoyed. What was it with him an his attitude?

"I wanted to invite you to another one of my parties. I think the last one didn't go quite as expected so I thought I would invite you to this one. Same time and place," I said quickly running my words together and stepping forward so I achieved the same position in between his legs as I did at the party.

"Lucy, Lucy, Lucy," he started, saying my name in a deep husky voice and began running his hands over the back of my thighs. Thank goodness I shaved the night before. He paused before continuing,

"Is that all you want? Because I think there's something else you want... is there anything else you want?..."

"You" I replied without thinking, immediately regretting my quick answer.

His eyes grew slightly at my response but he quickly regained his cool composure. His jaw clenched as he ran his fingers through his hair obviously deep in thought.

"And why do you want me, Lucy? Hmm? You don't even know me." he asked, his voice raising slightly in an almost frustrated way.

"Noah, your hot as hell and to be quite frank I don't know why you don't want me back. Getting guys is easy for me, but why not with you?" I said in a small slow voice.

He looked down, in thought once again. Then, chuckling to himself replied,

"Look babe I'm just not interested," before dropping his hands from their location on my thighs.

And with that he put his helmet on and drove away leaving me standing alone in the parking lot. I walked back to my car and drove home full of defeat and once again rejection.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2014 ⏰

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