Part 28

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Austin was passed out with his head in my lap now with a blanket draped over him. Everyone was sitting in the living room, and the only sound that could be heard was the sound of Keyon slamming food into his mouth. I reached down and started playing with Austin's hair just enjoying the feel of it, when Alpha finally spoke up.

"So, is he only going to be able to shift for James?"

Keyon looked annoyed at the fact he had to set his bowl of rice down but shook his head before explaining. "With enough work he should be able to do it at his own will. But when it involves protecting Jamie he's not gonna be able to control himself. So that's something we're gonna need to work on with him."

I heard my dad growl as he stood up. "I don't want you touching my son."

Keyon actually snorted at that. "I didn't hurt him, it was just some magic. I mean sure he was in pain for a short period of time, but there wasn't any harm actually done, and it's the only way to get Austin to shift."

"I don't care!" My dad's voice had me shaking, and I could feel Austin shifting under my lap, and a small growl left his lips.

"Don't scare your son now," Keyon said in a mocking tone, "his boyfriend will tear you apart."

My dad growled again and I thought he was going to jump at the wizard, when Austin's eyes popped open. He looked exhausted but still smiled up at me before reaching up to rub his head. "What happened?"

"You shifted." I whispered smiling down at him. He looked confused for a second and then sat up.

"I shifted? For real?" He asked and I nodded, "Is that why I'm naked?" I nodded again. "Did I look like your back?"

"Even more beautiful." I whispered before kissing him. I could feel my own pants growing tighter, as he deepened the kiss, and it was then that my dad coughed.

We pulled away slightly and realized everyone was staring at us. "He's still in heat." Travis voiced out.

"Do you two need to go to your room?" Alpha asked seriously.

Before either of us had a chance to answer my dad cut in. "No." he said firmly. "They just need to cool it down before I throw cold water on them."

"He can't help it." Travis jumped in again.

My dad glared at him. "Your son's in heat and you don't see him trying to put is dick in the couch." Corey instantly flushed a deeper red than I think even I've ever flushed.

Travis growled as he stood up and took a step towards my father. "My son doesn't have his mate with him, but if he did, I wouldn't expect him to even be out of his room." He was glaring at my father in a way I had never seen from him before. "Your son has his mate. Why are you trying so hard to keep them apart? Do you enjoy watching James squirm because he's to horny to even see straight?"

My dad let out another growl. "He's my only son." He said evening out his tone as he tossed a glance in my direction. "He's my baby boy. He used to beg me to call him Princess, for fucks sake up until a year ago he wouldn't go to bed unless I tucked him in first. So excuse the fuck out of me if I'm having a little bit of a problem seeing someone constantly touching him when just a few months ago he cried in my lap while talking about how he never wanted a mate so he could stay home with me his whole life." Without looking at anyone, he made his way out of the room.

Travis and Alpha shared looks, but it felt like no one was even breathing. I looked down at my lap as his words soaked in, he had been pushing so hard for me to just be with Austin, I didn't even think that once it happened it might upset him.

"Well," Keyon finally spoke up. "that was awkward."

I glared over at him, and he almost looked scared, but I just shook my head before getting up and walking in the same direction my dad just had. It didn't take too long to find his room though, I thought about knocking, but decided against it as I reached for the doorknob. I slowly opened the door trying to be quiet and just poked my head in to see my dad sitting on the edge of the bed with his back to me.

"Daddy?" He motioned for me to come in, and I quickly obliged shutting the door behind me.

"I'm sorry." He sounded a little choked up and it broke my heart. I crossed the room and went around to the side of the bed he was on and stood in front of him. "I know I'm acting like an ass."

"Stop." I cut him off and sighed as I sat down and curled up in his lap. "I'm sorry." I whispered and he just shook his head.

"You have nothing to be sorry for Princess." He told me as he rested his head on mine and wrapped his arms around me like he used to before I turned 16. "I know Austin's gonna take good care of you. It's just a weird adjustment for me."

I nodded my understanding. "I know daddy, but you're forgetting something important." I waited a moment before continuing. "Just because I have my mate now doesn't mean I don't need you to take care of me. I'm always gonna be your son, and Austin's never gonna know me like you do."

He nodded and I swear I heard a sniffle. "I know I'm not gonna disappear out of your life, but you're not gonna need me on a daily basis."

I quickly shook my head and pulled back to look at him. "That's not true daddy and you know it. Austin's not gonna sit down and make me do my homework. And no one said you can't still tuck me in. He's not moving in with us just yet. He doesn't know how I like my steak cut, and he's terrible at calming me down at nightmares. Heck he doesn't even wake up half the time, but you always do daddy, and you're always there to hold me."

"You're just trying to make me feel better." He whispered.

I shook my head again before snuggling closer to him. "It's true. Just because I have him now, doesn't change anything between us."

He sighed as his hand went up and down my back. "You've grown up so fast Jamie, it wasn't even a year ago that you'd be crying every time I left the house, and now, look at you."

"It's not so different." I promised. "Can you do me a favor?" He nodded. "I'm kinda tired. Will you tuck me in?"

There was a soft chuckle but he nodded and picked me up, then carried me down the hall to my room. Just like when I was younger, he laid me down and slid the blankets over me before leaning down and kissing my forehead. "Goodnight Princess."

"Goodnight Daddy." I whispered and watched the smile on his face grow.

The Beta (boyxboy) (Book One)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin