Part 12

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*Jamie's PoV*

Austin walked out of the kitchen with a plate of mac and cheese in his hand and I couldn't help but smile as he set the dish in front of me. I kept running over the last few hours in my head and it just felt like a dream. Austin had told me he loves me. Austin had kissed me. Austin then took a bath with me, then made me food and is now currently pulling me against him while I eat it.

I finished the macaroni, and Austin got up to take care of it just as the front door opened, and I turned to see River walking in only to stop after about three steps. His eyes fell so me and I watched as his face stiffened but not before I saw the small flicker of lust travel through his eyes and I felt my face reddening from it as I realized exactly how strongly I probably smelled because of being in heat.

"You've been alone with your mate for how long and you still haven't gotten laid?" He asked.

I glared at him for a moment before responding, "It's not all about sex River."

"Right," he started slowly, "for someone like me, or Austin, or basically everyone who isn't currently in heat."

I buried my face in my hands and turned away from him, "Stop talking about it!"

He laughed and was about to say something else when Austin stepped back into the room and started in first. "Leave my mate alone, he doesn't need to be told how or when to have sex by anyone but me."

I felt my face flush further and groaned. "Stop talking about it!" I felt Austin sit down next to me and pull me into his lap again while the two of them laughed.

"We'll stop." Austin whispered, and tried to move my hands away from my face. "Kiss me." He practically whined. I shook my head. "Why?"

"Because you're mean." I mumbled.

"I'm not though, you're the one who won't kiss their mate." He teased.

I moved my hands to look at him finally, "Well my mate is being-" He cut me off mid-sentence with a kiss that started out as what seemed like it'd be quick but as soon as he tried to pull away I pulled him in closer. There was a wave of warmth that crashed over my body as I desperately tried to get closer to him than I already was.

There was a loud cough and Austin quickly pulled away and I can't even describe the noise of pure irritated disappointment that left my mouth at the loss of contact. I turned directing my irritation at whoever made the noise only to shrink back when I saw Alpha standing in the room. My uncle offered a small smile to show he understood, and then opened his mouth to start talking. "I'm actually angry at myself for interrupting honestly. The gates are gonna be doing a lot of astral walking tonight. I just thought I'd warn you there's going to be a lot of energy at work."

I could already feel my chest growing tighter and my stomach dropping as I squirmed in Austin's lap. He locked his arms around me and pulled me so my head was resting on his shoulder by his neck, and I could feel him nodding.

"Thanks for the warning." Austin started sounding more confident than usual. "I'm gonna be here with him all night."

"That'll help a lot." Alpha told him, "I have Travis and Corey assigned to specifically keep an eye on him too though just in case." Austin nodded. "But I highly suggest mating tonight." My eyes shot open and I practically choked but was completely ignored. "It'll help with both heat and the energy." Austin again nodded and I just whined. "What's wrong James?"

I buried my face deeper in Austin's neck. "You're my uncle," I mumbled, "you shouldn't be talking to my boyfriend about sex like this."

There was a light chuckle and I heard his footsteps get closer before his hand landed on my shoulder. "I might be your uncle kiddo, but I'm also your Alpha, and that job comes first this time. As your Alpha, I need to guide you in the right direction, and as much as I wanna think about my little nephew being pure all his life, sex is gonna help you."

I snuggled closer to Austin and whined softly. Alpha pulled away and started talking to River about things he needed to do before the Gates started. Austin started softly rubbing my back before pulling away to look at me better. "Do you just wanna go to bed early tonight?"

I thought about it before shaking my head. If I just went to sleep I wouldn't be able to sleep through it, I'd wake up a fuckton and I would probably cry like all night. It was only Wednesday. Austin had school tomorrow. Alpha would probably kill me if I went after today. I felt terrible asking, but I still found it in me to ask "Will you stay up with me tonight? If I try sleeping I'll just-"

"Of course." he cut me off with a smile, "You don't have to explain it baby, whatever you need I'm there." I stopped breathing for a second when I saw the sincerity in his face and I wanted to cry.

It was always a toss up when it came to mates, some werewolves were jerks. But it was even worse when it came to humans because at least if you got an asshole wolf and he hit you the mate pull would make him feel like actual shit and his wolf would kick his ass. Some humans didn't even feel the pull a little. So seeing my mate being human, and caring that much about me that he'd just be willing to stay up all night for me, it hit me hard.

I don't know what I did to deserve a mate like him but I'm glad I did it. I hadn't even realized I was actually crying until Austin's hand was on my face wiping tears off my cheek. He leaned in and kissed my forehead.

"What's on your mind pup?" He asked softly.

"I just," I started unsure of where I was headed. I leaned back in and nuzzled myself under his chin with my head pressed against his chest. "I'm really glad you're my mate." I finished.

"So am I Jamie, so am I." He mumbled softly before tightening his hold on me. "I love you."

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