Part 4

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I watched as Austin ate an entire leftover pizza by himself before he realized I was standing in the kitchen doorway. He gave a sheepish smile before turning and throwing the box away. "I'm a teenage boy." He told me, "I eat all the food I can get."

I just smiled as I walked to the fridge and grabbed a yogurt. "We gotta go soon." I informed him as I grabbed a spoon and quickly started shoveling the yogurt into my mouth.

"Is that all you're eating?" He asked and I just nodded. "That can't be healthy, you're a teenage boy too you know." I only shrugged and watched as his face twisted into a frown. "After the meeting I'm making you a real dinner."

I could feel my chest warming at the realization that he cared enough about me eating he'd cook for me, but wouldn't cook for himself. I smiled more to myself than to him before throwing my spoon in the sink and the yogurt container away. Austin followed me to the living room and I watched him slip his shoes on, something I only did if I was leaving the pack territory. I wanna say it was a wolf thing, but a lot of us didn't do it, so maybe it was more just a personal preference, but I just liked being barefoot. It made me feel closer to the Earth.

It wasn't a long walk to the meetinghouse, in fact it was only about 5 minutes, but today it seemed like it was taking five hours. My entire body felt heavy, and there was just this feeling in my stomach that going tonight was a mistake, but it's not like I had any other option. What could even go wrong? It wasn't even about me.

I walked into the large building and I instantly wanted to turn around and leave again. We were practically the last to show up, and let me tell you, stepping into a room filled with a bunch of dominant werewolves was a scary thing for any sub. I could feel a wave of welcoming energy from the subs, and could physically feel the doms trying to make the room as comfortable as possible for me, and it still took Austin grabbing my arm for me to move.

The meetinghouse was really just a large room with different sections full of things to help make people comfortable. There was an area with food and drinks, then several different areas with different forms of seating. If you're the type who'd rather sit on a blanket we have space for that. If you're the type to wanna sit in uncomfortable metal chairs, we have those. If you'd rather sit in a beanbag, we also have that. If you'd rather stand, no one's gonna judge, if you'd rather sit in a booth we have them.

At the very end of the room was a rather large flat rock that we used as a stage. On the stage there sat a podium where the speaker could stand, and behind him there was space for the top three and their families. I looked up at the spot where my parents laid together in wolf form, and wondered if I could get away with sitting down here for once, but when my father's eyes met mine, I knew it would never happen.

It was always weird looking at my parents in the wolf form; my dad was a dark brown, with red coming up his legs, while my mother's fur was white with small patches of brown throughout. Looking at them, I never understood how I came out whiter than snow. I guess it didn't matter how it happened, all that mattered was that it did happen, and now I'm stuck with all this ridiculous fear of even being around my own pack.

I brought Austin to the front where the bean bags were before turning to face him. "These tend to get pretty boring." I told him trying to swallow the anxiety that was bubbling up from my stomach. "The foods over there if you want anything and no one will blame you for falling asleep."

He smiled and wrapped his arms around me, "Calm down Jamie," he whispered softy, "it's your pack. You're safe here." I nodded as he pulled away and offered a small smile. I heard the back door open which meant River and Alpha were here, so I knew we'd be starting soon. I went to the refreshments area and grabbed a thing of water before walking on stage and sitting next to my parents with my back against the wall.

My dad looked over at me and I felt him asking me to shift. When we were in wolf form we communicated telepathically. It was hard to explain exactly how because we didn't really understand it either. It never came in full sentences, just little fragments, pictures, phrases, and feelings. We understood it among each other, but that was it, if we went to a different pack and tried it, we wouldn't be able to understand each other.

I shook my head at him, I couldn't sit through a meeting in my wolf form, it always kept me on edge and stressed out. I couldn't even make it a solid 5 minutes in here without whimpering if I shifted, and I think he understood that because he never pushed the issue. He always asked, and I knew it was just because he wanted to see me do better than what I could currently do, but I just couldn't handle it.

I felt weight my knee and looked down to see a familiar red wolf's head on me. I looked the wolf over taking in the bright red that over took the majority of his body, but around his paws were as white as I was. When it came to wolves like him it meant there was a chance they were actually a sub. Not a large chance, but still a chance. I reached down and starting petting Corey's head thanking him for being next to me. I could already fee my nerves dying a bit as I waited for the meeting to start.

"Attention everyone," Alpha started and I felt myself cringe at the commanding voice he used. He glanced back at me and offered an apologetic smile before turning back to the pack. "We are here tonight to address and issue brought to my attention by Skylar and Ashton."

Skylar and Ashton are these twins, that actually look nothing alike honestly, but we refer to them as the Gates. Skylar had white hair that came down to his thighs, and was about 5'6 and his eyes were bluer than mine. He looked rather weak, but he was stronger than all of us, they both were.

Ashton was an inch taller than his brother, and physical appearance wise was the exact opposite of his brother. He kept his hair at his shoulders, and it was as black as River's. His eyes were gray, and looked like they could pierce a soul, which I wouldn't doubt it when it came to them.

They had joined the pack when they were born almost 17 years ago. They weren't werewolves, but they had rather special parents and that made them more valuable than anyone could imagine. Their mother ruled over what I liked to think of as Heaven, but they were very adamant about it being the "Upper World", and their father ruled over what I thought of as hell, but again they said the "Under World"

The two of them were never supposed to be together let alone have children, but they did, and it resulted in Skylar being able to travel back and forth between here and his mother's world, while Ashton can travel from here to his fathers. It could be a very long and draining process if they weren't asleep that called upon so much energy it was actually dangerous. See with powers like theirs, a lot of people want their hands on them, so their parents left them with us because they figured we were a large enough pack that our doms would mask their energy, and that worked.

"We all know about their situation, and we all know they want to find their parents." He looked at me and offered a sad smile which instantly had worry stirring inside me. "They're going to be trying rather hard very soon, and so they've asked that the dominants let out a little bit more of their dominance to help keep them covered."

I swear I stopped breathing, I could hardly handle what was going on now and they were trying to keep it to a minimum for me. I could feel Corey tensing up against me, and I knew his discomfort was my fault, but I couldn't stop the worrying and stressing. It was like an elephant had just sat on my chest. I don't even know how long I sat there wide eyed staring at the ground, but it wasn't until what was probably the third time Alpha called my name that I looked up.

"We need you to address your plan for mating."

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