Chapter nine [I] - Garroth

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— D A N T E —

We walked down the dirt path carved in the ground, leaves crunching below our legs, birds chirping, leaves rustling, the peaceful breeze. Despite the nightmare last night, everything's been going fine. Heather - or Rebelle has been helping us, as if now, I've been training by myself for the past days.

"So Dante," Rebelle started, taking a side-glance at me, "you've been in the military?" She asked, I looked down at my feet. I was never that good, I was ranked five, sure it was still in the top ten but I still wished I got in the top three.

I pushed those thoughts behind and nodded, "yes, I was ranked..." I paused. Should I tell her this? Will I make a fool of myself?

"Ranked?" She asked. I could feel more than just one pair of eyes staring at me - reality check, everyone's staring.

"Five..." I mumbled, baling my fists, clenching it. I heard a brief chuckle from Josh, "not bad I suppose"

I smiled, surprised that they weren't disappointed at me. I fiddled with my sword straps for a moment, while staring on to the horizon. Today was cloudy, but still light illuminated through the pure white, fluffy (I'd imagine) , clouds. I sighed, recalling everything that has happened within these past days. First, I met Sherry, twice, and then the fire, bandit, and the blonde--The blonde. Who was the blonde?

"Hey, Sherry" I called out, looking behind my shoulder, "who was that blonde guy we saw in the woods?" I asked, I could see her exhaled sharply.

"" She replied shortly. Josh scoffed, and Questa raised a brow. The red haired girl crossed her arms above her chest and furrowed her eyebrows, "define brother" she demanded, glancing at the brunette. Come to think of it, we all had bizarre hair tones. That is, except for Sherry and Josh at the moment. I shoved those thoughts away and focused on the conversation.

"Adopted...?" Brunette answered, what was seemed as a statement turned into a question. I, on the other hand, was confused and surprised. Questa abruptly began clapping and said, "who would have guessed that she was a ro'meve*?"

**Is that how you spell it?

"Ro'meve?" I asked, not familiar with the surname. I suppose that Ro'meve was an important family of some sort. I could feel a pair of eyes staring at me; Questa. She stared at me in disbelief and disappointment. She rubbed her forehead and sighed, "I swear to Irene..." She mumbled, "They're the royal family! How can you not now Dante?!" She exclaimed, throwing her hands in the air, emphasizing her sentence. I shrugged.

"I'm not familiar with this place." O'khasis. Yes, the place I'm in right now- well, sort of. The outskirts to be exact.

"Well you've got to at least know something about it!" Questa retorted. Josh, Heather and Sherry's been really, really quite. Is something bothering them?

"You three have been quite, whats up?" Questa asked, as if reading my mind, Heather smiled and shook her head, "No, I'm fine"

"Just thinking" Sherry answered as Josh nodded approvingly. I looked down at my boots. I glanced to the left and to the right.

"Sherry," I began, capturing her attention, "who is Garroth?" I asked - but it came out more of a statement. I raised an eyebrow.

She sighed rather loudly and gripped her swords' seethe. Her eyes linger around for a moment before deciding to tell me, "I was adopted. The only reason I Was in your village was a mission, which - in a matter of fact - never happened, the targets just..." Her voice trailed off, thinking I suppose, "disappeared? I- I don't know. I was adopted by the ro'meves and I became a soldier along with Garroth, so well.."

"You're his sister" I connected the dots. Well, doesn't seem far fetched. I frowned, "then why did you leave?"

Everyone seemed to. Think of the same question - due to them staring at the female teen. She shrugged, "I didn't really like them"


It was yet again night time, and we decided to stay here and set camp for the night. I groaned and grabbed a lock of my hair. I sighed, "what the hell..."

I stood up, brushing my pants before walking towards the sitting silhouette. I squinted my eyes hoping for a better view. From what I could make out; it was a girl, something in her hands and was sitting on a tree.

I took a step closer, and another one, and another one. Struggling to be as quite as I can.


I looked down. "Poop"

"Huh?" The silhouette shifted, I looked up--a boy (or possibly a man) with dirty blonde hair, white button down, a seethe behind his back, dark pants and a vest.

"Uh..." I froze, "hi?"

"..." Silence. I could have swear that you'd be able to hear a penny drop--even on the grass.

The figure came closer until I could make out his appearance (even more clearly)

"Hello" he greeted.

"My name's Garroth."

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