:.. Chapter 5 ..:

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Back with another Chapter, so... I got some characters already but keep it coming though. so yea, on to the story... OH and warning, spoilers! yea, it'll cure to some of the latest episodes of MC diaries.

:..Dante's POV..:

I tilted my head to get a better view of what were dealing with here, I could have sworn I saw a group of... people- bandits perhaps? I drew out my blades and ran. As soon as I reached the forest's entry way I felt an arm grab me by the hand and punched my stomach, afterwards judo flipped me to the muddy ground. Man did it hurt... I looked at the cause it was none other than Sherry.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" I asked her, the pain was spreading across my body. I yelped in pain, I didn't care if the mud was getting on me.
"STAND, or you'll get filthy" She demanded, her face expressionless and stoic, I managed to stand up and get myself to withstand the pain. She looked to the left and drew out her black sword, again, a dark aura appeared, it gave me shivers down my spine.
"You... could... ack... pack... a punch." I said, it felt like a thousand needles were pressed on my arm, stomach and both legs. She didn't even seem to care! What the hell?! I opened my mouth to say something but the pain just stung me again. No wonder everyone was scared of her... For Irene's sake!

"We got bigger problems to handle right now." She pointed towards the burning building, I gave her a questioning look by raising my eye brow.

"what do yo-" I was cut off by a slap on the face. I flinched a bit, "STOP HURTING MY DAMMIT!" I ordered, but then just led to some more knuckle sandwiches. I rubbed my cheek in pain and frowned, giving her a death glare, but it was nothing to her, anger was obviously shown in her eyes, red streaks are visible in her blue orbs. I took a tiny step back.
"People's lives are at stake her and bandits are usual, so you go letting people's life off when you take away lives of bandits. what you're feeling is correct, if you want to go kill them do it There's no one else to stop you, but just make sure you won't regret the choice you make afterwards... Don't do the same mistake I did years ago" Sherry said. that was deep... with that she turned at took a glance and ran towards the fire and left me standing there, mud all over my face.
'What you're feeling is correct, if you want to kill them do it, there's no one else stopping you, but just make sure that you won't regret the choice you made at the end' I replayed it. over and over.
"Won't regret.." I murmured to myself, "don't do the mistake I did years before? what?" I was questioning what she said. What mistake? I asked myself. then a picture of Gene appeared in my head. what would Gene do if he was in this situation?

:..Sherry's POV..:

Dante's taking to long! Come on make your choice! ugh.. what's the use of thinking.
I took the people I can out from the burning building and the fire fighters came to stop it. I reassured them that no one else was inside so that they could just commence putting out the fire. I stood there, then I heard a scream. Someone was in there.... I was about to run when a flash of blue came into sight.
"Dante?" He gave in... after around 5 minutes I was exhausted of waiting, so I ran in and found Dante, he was choking, he was trying to get a woman out by lifting the piece of debris on her legs. I ran towards the and pushed Dante away.

"GO!" I demanded, he smiled weakly and collapsed. Great no I have on my shoulders! I lifted the pice of debris and grabbed both of the collapsed people and ran outside.

"Please!!! MY SISTER!!!" A woman cried as she tried to push the fire fighters away, all eyes were on the three of us. some gasped some gave out a sigh of relief and some gave no input. The woman crying for her sister managed to get through and ran towards me, she tackled me with tears and a tight hug to literal death. She let go and I silently let a gasp of air.

"Is... I- She's breathing right?" She asked frantically. I nodded. I smile was plastered on her face as she hugged the woman. we brought Dante and the Woman's sister to the medics. I grabbed some bandages to cover up my scratches and wounds. It was about 2 days until I was called back to the castle, Dante though, isn't aloud to leave yet. I promised him that it'll only take a day. So I left him at the hospital and made my way to the castle.  I looked around, the tree's were rustling with the wind while it peacefully flew by, the citizens were happy and friendly, at least most... The guards took position at the gates of the castle. I went in the castle and walked spiral stairs and saw a guard standing in front of a door. He nodded at me and opened the door as if to say 'over here' so I walked in the large room which has large doors big long table and large windows, not to mention the seats were rather large as well.  So I pulled out a seat that was on the other side of the table. The king and Queen were at the other side of the table, which was around 6-7 seats? What ever, it's called a 'meeting room' anyways. We (king and me) just stared at each other dead in the eyes. Until the queen spoke up that is.
"Uh.. Hah... Yes, darling, let us not waste our time" The Queen said.
"And we shall not, shall we?" The king asked me giving an obvious 'fake' smile. I nodded my head, not giving any expression.
"I'll be sending you out to find Garroth, we need him for the peace treating with Scales Wind" King Garte began. But I soon raised my hand up, asking permission to speak.
"Yes?" The queen questioned.
"I just received news that the princess of scales wind, our air to throne, Nicole was murdered by an O'Khasis guard during war" I informed.
"Well yes.... But all we need you to do is to find my and your brother Garroth back here, from there we will figure another way out or- well just find him and bring him back"The king informed. I gave him a slight nod, still showing no expressions. I just remembered that I just came out from a-

"Dear, why are you covered in ashes?" Asked the queen cutting my train of thoughts. I informed them with the fire and bandits that Dante saw, the only thing is I said I saw them, I didn't mean to steal credit from him, just to keep him out of this. I saw Garte nodded his head slightly. 

"You are dismissed" He dismissed me. I nodded and stood up from the late wooden chair and bowed slightly and left through the huge wooden doors with flowers and crosses carved in to it.

'Hm, guard's still there. tch go figure, the royals are still here' I thought, I made my way down the loooonngggg spiral stairs and FINALLY yes FINally met the end. I sighed and walked out.


Damn it. Damn it. Damn it. Garroth's gone, and Bandits are still coming just. breathe and we'll get out of this. I swear if She doesn't bring him back. I- I don't know just. ugh..


Yea I know I haven't use your characters yet but uh... yea. I present you the shortest chapter. ta~da! well "bear" with me *places down a bear rug* al right! meet Rebelle and Questa on the next chapter ;Q (and I'm serious) See you on the other side!

PS: I am so so sorry that it took one year o update it! (This is NOT a figure of speech, rather a pun) and as well that it's short ;3

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