Today and Aways, together

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Hi! So before I start just letting you know this is just a random one shot I made up so yea. Enjoy!
Dedicated to all the Minecraft diaries fans out there!

I walk down these empty streets alone, in the rain

I sighed, wishing I could have been better — no my life better. Everything seems to be against me, no matter how much I try. I've lost people before — and let them go. But I can't seem to let go of you. All of you.

Crying won't help,

I walked in my small house — just simple. Made of wood, kitchen, bathroom, bedroom and small living space — like I said, nothing special. I sat at the edge of my bed, legs left dangling at the edge. I stared at one particular picture — of me and my friends

Their gone... Long gone
It's not like I can rewind the time, the thing is - I can't. So let it all out.

I was standing next to my best friend — Jess (Aphmau), she was on my right, then there was Dante — on my left, then Laurence, lucinda, Kawaii~chan, Garroth, Aaron, Katelyn, the list goes on and on. I visibly let an inaudible sigh and let myself fall, landing on the rather soft mattress catch me. I stared at the blank ceiling.

You've held it in long enough
Of course, no one wants to be a burden, so hold me tight — but let me go

I turned my head to my right and saw the paper with all their writings in — before they all left. I smiled at the memories of them when we went on adventures, picnics, trainings... No their gone. But that won't stop me from being happy.

Just know were here...
Today and always, together

Unravel Me | MCD [Discontinued]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora