:.. Chapter 2 ..:

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Dante's POV

I walked in the gates and was stunned by the remarkable changes that are made. As I walk by, I could see my buddy Alex. He's a blonde, he has pitch black eyes, and wore chainmail armor where ever he goes. He was holding his iron sword and shield. He stood under the tree that we planted long before. I approached him.

"Hey Alex" I said. Before I could say anything, he dropped his sword and shield and hugged me tight. "Dante! Where have you been?! Did you find your lord?" He asked in excitement.

"Uh... No I didn't. Yet at least. I've only been to near by villages. I haven't go to the far villages." I replied. His eyes sparkled with joy, "WELL PERFECT!!! Welcome back bro!"

"Heh, thanks man. I gotta go check up on my mom and dad and...." My voice trailed of. DAMN. I thought I could at least let go of them for a day. I guess no.

"Uh... Something wrong? Oh its them isn't it...?" Alex knew that I was quite soft in the inside. He was there like my diary. I pretty much talk his ear off about Gene and Kagura. I just remember who was Sherry. She's Kagura. Took me a while to remember.

"Yeah... It is..."

"Well, don't get to depressed about them, I'm sure they'd like to see you smiling rather then crying. I shouldn't be talking to you. You go check on your mom and dad. If you need me, you know where I am."
"Thanks Alex." I said goodbye and walked back home. I was surprised of how much the village changed in such a short period of time. When I reached home I noticed a few changes. The forest was still there, but whats changed is that the wheat fields has been moved next to my house, and they upgraded the house for the both of them, even though its only the two of my parents who live there. I walked closer towards it. And I saw mom farming. I ran over the house after a while I heard a scream. I turned back and saw.... Gene. Standing right there. But, he looked different, he wasn't holding his katanas but a purple-ish-black sword. On the corner of my eye, I could see Kagura. She was still the same though, she was holding two broadswords on both hands. One had black and a strong essence of darkness and red jewels on it. The other was sparkling white, with sapphires, emeralds and diamonds attached on it's handle, it glows bright like a pearl. I could see behind her she still had her old pair of swords, the diamond swords she had. I noticed them staring at each other from the far. Gene raced towards me. I was thinking he would give me a hug, but then Kagura eventually, jumped in front off me and blocked Gene's attack. I didn't know what they meant to do. So I just took out my katanas and backed out.

Sherry's POV

"What the heck are you doing?!" I shrieked. Gene was about to kill his brother, the ONLY brother he had.
"Can't you see? I'm trying to gain immortality!" He shouted. Thats when I knew... That the Gene I knew was gone, he turned mentally insane. I could only made up 1 reason; he turned into a shadow knight. Shadow knights turns insanely crazy if they went out of the portal of what seems the first time in the history of forever. I went through the same torture Gene went trough, I managed to escape with sheer hope. I tried getting the heck out of that freaky place with Gene, but he was no where to be found. So I left without him. But now he's here...

"YOU LEFT WITHOUT ME... How could you..." Gene pointed out. Which was a huge coincidence because I was thinking about that.

"I'm sorry... But I couldn't find you, I tried. I went through that same torture that you had... But twice." I apologized, "I'm sorry." "Well sorry isn't going to be enough." Gene said, he lifted his sword up. Luckily, I managed to dodge it. We were back again, having a stare down. It was getting really creepy. But then suddenly, Dante came. I would have pushed him aside but... Theres no time. "Gene! What are you doing?! Shes your friend! And you're going to kill her?! Whats gotten into you...?" He shouted, "I thought you guys would have a little moment together as well..." He said under his breath.

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