:.. Chapter 1 ..:

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Dante's POV

Looking back then, I can't really remember much about my childhood. Though, between the midst of hazy memories that fade, one stuck out for me, and the lesson that accompanied it.

"Keep going!!" I heard someone say, it was Gene, I assumed. "I'll hold em' off, don't look back!"

I held my brother's hand tightly, clutching on to it as if my life depended on it. My legs were throbbing and my muscles screamed at me for rest. But I mustered all my strength and kept going, breathing heavily.

"Will Twinkle Table be ok?" I asked, yes I was... really... weird, I called her Twinkle Table every day. Though she never got angry at me. All she does is laugh right in front off my face. She was like an older sister to me. I was just 5 that time, Gene was 13 and she was 13 as well, she would've turned 14 next month... If she'd survive. She was the second oldest between us 3, and pretty obviously, I was the youngest of them all.

"She should be... I hope. You stay here, I'll go after her. Take care of mom and dad for me okay? and if I never comeback... Just stay safe." Gene instructed. It was kind of funny, since he told me to take care of 2 people that are in they're 30s, and I was just a 5 year old.

"I remember Gene promised me to never leave... Will Gene come back with Twinkle Table?" I asked, honestly, that felt like the most stupid question I'd ever ask.

"....Let's just hope so..." Gene replied. And before I could say anything else, he left and stormed out the back door with his katanas that he used everyday. I peeked out off the window next to the door and saw what surprises me most. She managed to kill nearly all of the bandits single handedly. Even with chainmail armour on! I saw her running after something. But I could't see what. Days flew by and its been nearly a week. My family and I started losing hope that they would even come back. I took out the amulet that Gene gave me every time he went out patrol. I held it close to my heart.                                 

You promised that you would never leave... But where are you now...?

And that was the faithful day, when I lost my only brother, and a sister I loved. I really thought they'd have a moment together, head guards of the village. 

A few years and months past. I was 13... I wanted to forget the day but anything related to the word and number '13' would just drive insanely sad and depressed. My mom and dad questioned me a lot that year. It took them a while to figure out why I was so depressed about '13'. Even though I've got a lot of cool new friends and the fact that it has been 8 years since the incident has happened, it's still bothering my as heck. A few months after, and I was still 13, I decided that they're lost won't be in vain. I will honour them by taking they're spots and follow they're footsteps. My mom and dad said that what I'm doing is a great thing and that Gene and Kagura will be smiling down on me... The only thing is...what if they aren't? I've studied and taken interest on these people called 'Shadow Knights' for a while. they're people who live in the Nether and has abilities such as immortality, but to obtain it they had to do a certain thing. So I tried to forget the fact they might be Shadow Knights and focus on the reason why I'm taking Guard Training. But Kagura... I didn't know much about her. Since I was still 5 the last I saw her. She had long curly brown hair, she usually uses a black jacket and short blue shorts, well they're called shorts after all... But, I would have talked to her parents to know more about her, though, they were long gone. I know only a bit about her. One thing I admire about her is her amazing skills in magics, witch craft, and combat. No wonder she was the head guard of this village. She was really stern and straight forward and rarely joke around in the village matters but she's like a whole other person when she's with me. She tells me jokes far fetch tails, and never got serious and she always smile. Gene is just the same where ever he goes. He's straight forward, he's as well really serious too. But he tells everyone jokes and smiles when anyone needs it. Thats why I love him as much. Gene told me once to never let go to my dreams. I would have ask him What if I have none?  He would just say You'll have it someday... Just wait. And I waited like he told me too. Now I understand what he meant. And you'd never guess how long it took me to under stand it. About 7 and a half years? I can't remember entirely. I turned 15 and that year, I finished the guard training and achieved  'best guard' tittle. But I wasn't truly satisfied. When I read Kagura and Gene's profiles, I was entirely shocked and surprised that they achieved not 1, not 2 awards but 13 in total!! And they were just 12 and 11... Gene got The head guard tittle, leader's tittle, best in hand-to-hand combat, potion reviver, and best guard. Kagura achieved more then Gene. She got Best guard, leader's tittle, Hand-to-hand combat, Archer's eye, Potion reviver, and the most surprising, she went in the Jury of 9 list! But how could a squad of bandits manage to take out 2 of the best guards in the village. I have to admit. For a period of time, I hated Kagura. Why? well I've been asking these questions in my head:               Why did she have to sacrifice herself? Why did Gene came back for her? Was it my fault...? How did the bandits manage to take them out?

I didn't want to think about anymore, but I just can't seem to let go.I have been beating myself up and thinking that I'm responsible of their lost, because they were taking care of me, the bandits were going after me. not them. After a while, I decided that I'd just go and find a lord to serve and dedicate my life to, like they did to our lord. I wandered off and went searching. I lost hope and went back home. When I got there, I was in a hopeless mess. My armour was VERY dirty and needs some repairs and polishing. I was glad that I was going home after all these years. I could see my lovely parents for one last time and visit Kagura and Gene's memorial place dedicated to them. I was very happy that I was given a chance to see every one I know and held on as close, my guard training friends the villagers even the lord!I was heading there, I could see the walls already, I looked from the far, the gates. It was closed, as usual. I haven't been that long gone, so... they should all still remember me.....   But a surprise was there for me... waiting... and it was big... very big....

HI!!! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of 'unravel me'. This is basically a fan fiction about Dante's life from Aphmau's Minecraft diaries. Most of the chapters will be in Dante's perspective. It took me a while to finish. I know its kind off short but I enjoyed making it! :3


PS: This song belongs to nicku3se go check em' out on You-Tube! the song is titled: Sad Song for Broken Hearts.

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