That's why I had to think things through. Did I really want to risk it?

"Oh, it was nothing." I pretended not to be interested anymore, just so she wouldn't ask anymore questions.

Well it didn't seem to work.

"Really? This morning you were smiling like a fool. Are you sure it was nothing?" She questioned.

I covered my face with my blanket, which Vero pulled right off.

"Really, it was nothing." I assured her. "It was just random, I got over it throughout the day." I lied right through my teeth. Yeah, sure I'd been worrying about it. A lot actually.

"Good." She smiled. I looked at her, my forehead creased in confusion. Why did she look so relieved? Did she not want me to meet anyone or what?

"Why?" I questioned her.

"Just because." She giggled while playing with a stand of my hair.

"You're so weird." I turned to my right side, having my back towards her. I wanted to sleep, just so I wouldn't be thinking about Lauren anymore, and so that my headache would go away. As I closed my eyes, I felt Vero rearrange her position in bed. Her head rested against my back while her hand slipped around my waist.

I didn't think she was going to stay, I assumed she was going to leave and let me rest, but I guess not. I didn't mind having her there though. As long as she didn't keep me from having a nap. Oh, and as long as she didn't kick me and snore in her sleep.

As I was about to drift into a peaceful sleep, my phone vibrated on my desk with the sound frightening me. My eyes shot open. The thought of that text being from Lauren made my heart beat increase. I wanted to jump out of my bed and check my phone, but I couldn't.

Vero had her arm around me, and well to be completely honest, I was scared. Scared of the text actually being from Lauren.


Vero yawned while getting out of bed. We slept for two hours; well she did, I only got an hour of sleep, if even, The curiosity of the text wouldn't allow me to succumb to sleep. Vero looked like a zombie walking towards the bedroom door. Poor girl, her eyes were barely open.

"See you tomorrow," I said. I would've walked her to the front door of my house, but I was way too tired, and besides, she knew her way out.

"Love you," She was barely able to wave goodbye. She was still yawning while walking out. I then got up to shut the door behind her.

I turned to look at my phone, hesitating on taking it. For all I knew, it could've been anyone. Lauren wasn't the only person who had my number. By the way, she had never texted me before, meaning there weren't any chances of the text being from her.

Only one way of finding out.

I walked to my desk and picked the phone up. I bit my bottom lip nervously, as I slowly looked at my phone screen; the was indeed from Lauren. My heart beat started to go up tremendously. I didn't know whether to feel relieved or worried. I wanted to feel excited, but I just didn't. A mix of emotions washed over me.

Lauren: Can we see each other to talk?

I gulped down hard. Yes! We had to! This is what I wanted all day long.

My hand shook as typed out a reply,

Camila: Sure.

I inhaled and exhaled as I took a seat on the bed. I felt anxious for her next text. Every second felt like a minute, and every minute felt like an hour. I didn't even want to imagine what an hour would feel like.

Miss Jauregui (CAMREN)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora