Chapter Twenty Four

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Again, I just want to warn those who are reading, this chapter also has violence in it. Sooo, I am sorry if you don't like reading violence but I am just trying to make these few chapters as realistic as I can. Thanks for clicking on Chapter Twenty Four! Okayy, I'll let you get to reading now...

Ashley's POV

I watch as one of the men pull out a video camera and smirk at me.

"Let's make a little video." He smiles and I look up at the camera.

"All you gotta do is sit there and look pretty." He smirks and I nod my head, not wanting them to hurt me again. He sets the video on a tripod and stands in front of it.

"We have your little daughter here and if you don't give us our money. Then the girls gets it." He explains and I shake with fear. The tears spill over my eyes.

"Dad, they have guns." I speak, trying to warn him.

"Will you shut up!" One of the men slaps me across my face and I stop talking, staring down at my boots.

"Now... Let me explain how this is going to work. You have four hours to bring us the money, all 10,000 of it. I'd rush if I were you, because every hour, we are going to do something to her."

"Let's show him an example." One speaks and he walks over and stabs my thigh and gets close enough to my face for me to feel his breath. I spit on it and he wipes his face.

"Because of that stunt, now you have three hours. Starting now." He shuts the camera off and him and his buddies leave me in the room. I let a deep breath go and am relieved when my body seems to numb the pain.

Julian's POV

"How are we suppose to find her?"

"Her cell phone." He runs over to the nearest computer and begins to type in information as fast as possible. He traces the phone back to the house and punches the wall behind us, anger rushing through his veins.

"Sir, we have our best people trying to track down where the email came from. It won't be too long."

"When was this sent?" I ask and they look at one another.

"About an hour ago..." I look up and it is the first time that I see fear in his eyes. I sit back in a chair with my face in my hands, not knowing what to do. I feel a hand on my shoulder and look up to see a tall skinny man wearing a nice blue suit.

"We'll find her." He speaks and I nod my head.

"They killed my mom, what if they kill her too?" Tears fall from my eyes, I can no longer hold back my emotions and I watch as Ashley's father paces throughout the room.

"That won't happen. We just have to keep trying-"

"I found a location." The woman said and downloaded the information onto a flash drive. Handing it to her father, a big man approached him and I listened into the conversation.

"Sir, you have to wait for us to get our team together, it won't take long. But going in solo is going to be too much for even you to handle."

"You expect me to wait around while my daughter is out there? I know where she is, so I am going to her!" He yells and pulls the keys out of his pocket and storms out. I begin to follow him and when I open the door, he stops me.

"You can't come."

"But that's the only way that we are going to save her."

"You are the one person everyone needs to stay safe right now, Julian."

"But I don't care, I am going and I am helping." I jump in anyways and he looks over to me.

"Can you shoot a gun?" I nodded my head.

"Good, because you are most likely going to have to."


He slams on the breaks and puts it into park at the location, it seems to be compltely open and the door wide open. Like they wanted us to find us. We both get out and walk into the warehouse with a computer sitting on a table in the middle of the room.

Nice try,

But we aren't that dumb. Meet us at the tracks in ten minutes or esle you aren't going to have anyone to save.

It picks the computer up and throws it across the room, I watch as it shatters into pieces. He grabs this talkie from his belt and talks into it.

"She isn't here, they want us to meet at the tracks."

"We're on it. We're on our way."

Ashley's POV

"Stop!" I try to get out of their grip, it felt as though my arm was going to break.

"Shut up." He speaks and throws me on the tracks. There were about fifteen men and women standing around with guns. I wish I could warn my dad, he is probably going into this thinking that there isn't this many people. A blacked out truck pulled up and slammed on the breaks.

"Dad!" I yell, tears streaming down my face.

"Put the gun down." He instructed the man who pressed the gun harder on my head.

"You don't get to make the rules." I hear the gun load.

"Drop the gun," He speaks and my dad hesitates for a moment, "Are you deaf? I said drop the gun!" My dad slowly puts the gun down and puts his hands in the air. A large gust of air came across the tracks and made the man stumble.

"Where's Julian."

"He isn't here."

"You liar, get Julian out of that truck or I will shoot." My dad nodded and opened the door, where Julian was sitting.

Julian's POV

I get out of the vehicle seeing many familiar faces in the small crowd of people.

"Julian! You see what happens when you go against me?" He speaks.

"Where's the money?" He asks Mr. Barring.

"You have to put the gun down first before you get anything."

"Do you think I'm an idiot? Get the money. Now!" You could hear a few of the guns click as they load them, half of them on Ashley, half of them on us. Her dad grabbed the bag of money and threw it over to where he was.

Picking up Ashley by her hair, I hear her whimper and he pushes her towards us and I gently place her in the back of the truck.

"Go. Now." He speaks and her father turns around and I see the man pull up his gun, I warn Ashley's dad and pull the gun he gave me behind my back and squeeze the trigger before they could.


Thanks for reading this chapter guys! I just wanted to say how much I know that this chapter bounces between point of views and I know that may have been frustrating for some of you readers. I hope that this chapter was easy to follow along with and I hope you guys have enjoyed reading the book so far. I really appreciate all the votes and comments that you guys have been giving Opposites Attract! Thanks again for being amazing, love ya guys! 

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