Chapter Twenty

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Ashley's POV

I scratch my tired eyes as I walk into the kitchen a few weeks later, sleeping in until twelve was always my own birthday tradition and it did feel nice. Seeing my mom in the kitchen, drinking some wine and reading one of her books, I give her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Julian isn't here, like normal and my dad is out working, like most weekends while he is here.

"Hey mom." I speak, grabbing a cup out of the cupboard.

"Hey sweetheart! Happy birthday! Me and your father have quite the surprise for you." Her smile widens and her eyes show excitement.

"Really? You, you guys really didn't have to get me anything." I speak and she puts her book down and gives me a large hug.

"Oh, but you really do deserve it. Plus with our living situation, it's only appropriate." She smiles.

"Alright..." I speak, pouring some coffee into the cup and grabbing creamer from the fridge. I watch as my mom walks through the front door and calls for my dad to come inside. Once I'm all settled, my dad comes in with the same excitement in his eyes.

''You know our small storage building that we have?" My mom speaks and I nod my head. Thinking back on all the crazy ideas that my parents have thought was a good idea, but never was. One time they made a greenhouse for me and my brother to take care of when we were younger. Except they kind of forgot that we were both too young to really take care of the whole thing and the family sort of just abandoned the whole idea. I nod my head and they smile at me.

"Why don't you go check it out sweetheart." I stand to my feet, with my cup still in my hand. Opening the backdoor, I notice a nice brick path laid out to the side door of the small building. Opening the door, I almost drop the cup in my hand.

"Shut up! You guys didn't!" I yell, walking in and looking around. Three walls were painted this beautiful off white and once was a nice grey. A loft bed was in the corner with a desk shoved underneath, where my things were laid upon. A large television was set up on the wall where a couch was set in front of with a nice glass table between them. A beautiful designed rug lays on the ground covering most of the floor. With a huge smile on my face, I set my mug down on one of the smaller table by the door.

I run to my parents and hug them both, thanking them many many times.

"How did you- Why- Thank you so much!" I tear up and begin to touch the beautiful wood desk and giggle out of happiness.

"You deserve the world for your eighteenth birthday and you're your own woman now. You deserve your own space."

"Plus, I never liked the idea of you staying with a teenage boy." My father laughed.

"Speaking of Julian, when he gets home you may want to see what he brings with him." My mom smirks.

"Wait, I thought Julian was getting ready." I question, remembering the bathroom door shut with the light on.

I get a text from Julian saying he is outside, waiting for me. My mom covers my eyes as we walk around the house to the front where Julian would be.

"What is it?" I question, shaking with excitement.

"You'll see, just be patient Ashley!"

She uncovers my eyes and my mouth drops to what I see. Julian smiles wide and I run to Julian and hug him. In front of me is one of the best gifts I could possibly ask for. A large red truck parked with large wheels and a beautiful frame!

"Julian, did you pay for this yourself?" I ask. He scratches the back of his head, letting a deep breath go.

"Nah... I mean, maybe. Don't make a big deal out of it though." He smiles.

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