Chapter Twenty Nine

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The doctor led the two of us down a long hallway with doors lining the walls. Nurses rushed in and out of the doors hurriedly. The doctor walked briskly, with purpose. As we walked, Sam's mom began wringing her hands together again. I now realized why. The doctor hadn't said a word yet.

He stopped at a door marked 'Room 109' and closed the door behind us. In the center of the room there were four chairs and a table. We took a seat.

The doctor cleared his throat and gave a long sigh. He looked tired, and a forlorn expression was set upon his face. "Mrs. White?"

She nodded her head quickly.

"Samantha is alive." I let out a breath I never knew I was holding in. "She is currently stable and her heart is being monitored."

The color returned to Mrs. White's face.

"Now, I have good news and bad news. The bad news is this: Sam's heart is dying. She won't be the same after this last heart attack, in fact, things will get worse. With every heart attack, her heart grows weaker. Sam has under a month to live now."

Under a month to live? No. This couldn't be true. I thought she had at least three more!

"I don't think it will be a good idea to have her moving around at all, so Samantha will have to stay in bed. I'm not implying that you should give up hope, in fact, there are a couple of options." He paused to take a breath. "One idea is a surgical implant, but that would be more short term in this case. The better option is a heart transplant. This is more risky, as we aren't sure that everything will go as planned. Samantha might not be strong enough to endure a surgery by the time we find a donor. To me, the transplant seems like the best idea, though it is risky and costly."

We were silent for the best of a minute. Was there any hope?

"I'll do anything, sir." Mrs. White stood suddenly as tears filled her eyes. "Just save my daughter."

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