Chapter Sixteen

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I frowned, turning the cold handle to her door. Today felt different, being upset at Sam. It just felt... wrong. All I wanted to do was rush up to her and apologize. 

But when my eyes met hers, I changed my mind. 

"Hey." Sam gave me a wide and hopeful grin.

I didn't return the gesture. 

"Hello, Jay? Pill boy?"

I handed her the usual paper cup of pills and glass of cold water. She didn't touch them, but just stared up at me. "Are you okay, pill boy?"

I almost left right then. I almost did. But I couldn't. It was like the strings of fate were pulling us together slowly.

"No. Not really. I'm not okay."

Sam went to give me a hug but I made her stop. 

"No, Sam. You need to rest. Get better." I frowned. "Not today."

Sam looked as if she might cry.


The strings of fate pulling us together must have broken right then, because that was when I slammed the door closed.

No Wings To Flyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें