Chapter Twenty One

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"Donna, go away." Sam hissed. 

"Um... Hello?" I entered, eyes wide.

"Oh! Jay!" Sam quickly covered herself up in her blankets. "What- What are you doing here so early?"

I laughed. "Just thought we could have a day to ourselves. I wanted to surprise you."

"What about school?" She attempted a smile.

"Haha. Sam, its the end of June. There is no school."

"Oh."  Sam placed a hand on her forehead. "Duh."

"Plus, I brought coffee!" Here, I held up two Starbucks cups. "Who could resist that?"

She made a face. "Ew! Me! I mean- Coffee isn't my favorite..."

"Oh well. The more for me!" I gave her a wink.

We settled down on the bed. No coffee. I mentally noted.

"Who's Donna?"

She gave an exasperated laugh. "The nurse who comes to check on me every morning."

We sat there for a moment before Sam interrupted. "So, what are we going to do today?"

"That's the surprise. But the doctor gave you permission for you to go out today."

She shooed me away. "Then what are you doing? I gotta get dressed."

"Oh." I blushed and quickly exited the room.

Sam joined me within a couple quick minutes wearing a simple t-shirt and jeans (I still couldn't stop thinking of how beautiful she looked). "Ready, Sam?"

"Yeah." She gave me another award winning smile and gripped my hand.

I pulled her bucket list and a pencil from my pocket as we exited the hospital. "Ready to check off number eleven?"

√ 11. Ride on a motorcycle  

Sam held a hand to her heart. "Oh my gosh! Yes!"

I escorted her around to the side of the parking lot where my dad's motorcycle was parked. She gasped and hugged me which made my heart leap. We both put on helmets and leather jackets. I helped her on to the back of the motorcycle and got on myself. I revved the engine a couple of times and then we kicked off.

Sam had her arms wrapped around my waist and held me tight. That alone made me smile. 

I had learned to ride a motorcycle at a very young age. My dad was a mechanic and always had me help him fix up cars and motorcycles, so I knew almost everything about them there is to know. I was glad to show her what a part of my life was like.

I glanced back in the mirror at Sam. Her hair was splayed out behind her from underneath the helmet and her perfect smile stretched from ear to ear. When we went around turns, she let out a squeal of happiness. 

It didn't take too long for us to arrive at our destination. But when we did, all she could do was stare. 

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