Chapter Eleven

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"Hi Sam!"

I waltzed into the room, practically skipping.

Then, I realized nobody had answered me. I glanced around the room. 


Silence. A terrible feeling pierced my gut. There was something wrong.


I ran to her bathroom. Empty. I ran to her bed. She wasn't there. I ran to the chair by her window. Nope. The balcony was also vacant.

I turned back around, running both hands through my hair. My legs shook. 


Near the bed, her sketchbook was tossed to the ground, pages bent and open. Oh no. I dropped the cup where it shattered on the floor. 

Where was she?

What if she had fainted somewhere? What if something happened to her with her disease? What if she...

Images of Sam ran through my brain. My knees felt weak.

I rushed out of the room, forgetting the world for a moment. I had to find her.

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