Chapter Ten

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Sam screamed.

"What's wrong?" 

Sam held her hand to her heart and struggled to breathe. "You- you scared me!"

"What? I said I would see you very soon. How was I supposed to know you didn't get the hint?"

"That doesn't mean you can sneak up on me at 8:00 at night when I am in my freaking pajamas and yell 'surprise'!"

For a moment, her look was menacing, but then it softened and she couldn't keep from smiling. I smiled too. 

"You're crazy! You know that, pill boy?" 

We both cracked up in laughter.

"Yeah, I know."

Sam twirled a strand of hair in her fingers and glanced toward me. She looked me over a couple times and then grinned. I did the same. I couldn't help but notice how pretty she was even in her pajamas. Sam's curly hair was frizzy and smashed down on one side, but I didn't notice. Her eyes were as beautiful as ever, and her smile made warmth blossom in my chest. I then realized we had both been staring at each-other for quite some time now.

I scratched the nape of my neck, embarrassed. 

"I have a surprise for you, too." Sam stated, not at all embarrassed. "Though not quite as... terrifying as yours."

"Oh yeah?"

"The nurses finally agreed to let me go out on the balcony-"

"Why wouldn't they before?"

"Ha! That is a story for another time." Sam's cheeks flushed pink. "Anyway, they let me go out on the balcony. And tonight there is a meteor shower! What do you say? Want to join me? I could sure use some company."

"Of course. I have to be back by eleven, though. My mom thinks i'm hanging out at a friend's house."

"Really? You lied to your mom to come visit me?" Her eyes lit up.

"Well, that sounds kinda awful now that you say it that way, but... yeah."

Sam rested her head in her hands and beamed. "Thank you Jay. That's really sweet." Sam whispered.

I didn't reply. I was blushing too much.

"Let's go look at some shooting stars!"

I was thankful for the distraction before I died of embarrassment. I carried two blankets out onto the balcony and Sam insisted on bringing out the two fold-able chairs. I had never seen Sam so excited, apart from when I had brought her pizza. I didn't know why someone would be so happy about looking at stars, but I loved that she loved it.

When we settled down on the balcony, the sun was already a melting orange blob on the horizon. The edges of the sky were outlined in navy blue as the cape of night was slowly being draped over the earth. Stars, white and twinkling, had begun to appear amidst the swirled colors in the night.

"So, Jay, tell me about your friends."

"My friends?"

"Yeah." She smiled.

"Well, I don't really have that many... I sorta drift in and out of groups of friends. There is this one guy named Mark who is pretty nice. But lately we haven't hung out much. And then there's you."

Sam smiled at me. "Glad I made it onto your friend list. Though i'm not so sure you'll be on mine after that stunt you pulled back there." She punched my arm. "Why spend time with me? I'm just a dying, grumpy ol' patient. Why am I so special?"

I realized I didn't quite know myself. We had only talked for over the span of about two weeks, and she had so suddenly become my best friend. What was I doing? Was it pity? I was drawn to her like a moth to lamplight, and I had absolutely no idea why.

No, I did know why. From the very first time I laid eyes upon Sam, I had a strange feeling in my gut. I think I knew what that feeling was, but I didn't quite like what it would mean. Maybe it was that we were so much alike. Maybe it was her air of mysteriousness. Maybe it was her beauty. Maybe it was because of her kindness. I hoped it wasn't out of pity.

I finally had the guts to speak up. "Because, Sam, I like you. Not in the weird crushy kind of way, but as a friend." I said this, although I wasn't so sure about it myself. "You are a great friend. No friend has ever been so caring about me as you. Thank you, Sam."

It was her turn to blush.

"Hey!" Sam practically fell out of her chair. "Look! A shooting star!"

Her eyes had a beautiful twinkle in them, full of light, full of hope. 

"Wow." I breathed.

Sam grabbed my hand in hers. For a moment, my world stopped. Electricity coursed through my fingertips. I smiled so big I thought my face might crack.

"Quick! Make a wish!" Sam squeezed her eyes shut and shook with excitement.

I closed my eyes and whispered my wish into the breeze, quietly so Sam couldn't hear.

I wish that Sam can have a long life.

No Wings To FlyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora