Chapter 26 - You Ain't Fooling Anyone...

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"Elijah, where is Mr Teddy?!" I call looking all over the house for Sophia's favourite bear. We were running late to meet Katharine and  she wasn't going to be pleased.

"It's here" Elijah came in with it, I breathed a sigh of relief

" you go sweetie" she clutched onto her bear as she stood up. She has gotten into the swing of it and was a fast learner. I fixed on her to the straps that meant she could walk in front but not go too far.

"Ready to leave, my love"

"yep" I sighed. Katharine was meeting up with us to talk about the cure and making a deal with Nik. Finally we arrived

"Katerina" Elijah said she turned round and I found something off. Katharine wearing a red dress loose curls that looked like waves with red highlights.

"Bethany, Elijah...Sophia" she addressed all of us. I smiled gave Elijah the strap then went to hug her she open her arms and we did, right before i shoved her up against the post.

"Elena" I showed my hybrid face "so nice to see you again?"  she struggled

"Honey, I suggest you cover up my baby's eyes. She won't want to see Mommy angry." I dig into her pocket and pull out Kat's phone.

"How did you know it wasn't me. Everyone else has fallen for it" Elena questioned.

"Katharine Peirce hates red unless it blood, she doesn't wear tacky dresses and she defiantly does not hug."  we took her somewhere private. We waited and as we did Sophia looked up at her unfortunate Aunt, while Elena looked down at her. Sophia pointed to her and then looked at me with a puzzled look.

"Don't even bother sweetie. You don't want to know" she looked back at Elena then  stumbled towards her still looking up. Then looked to the side and stared at something. She giggled and waved I thought it was a odd motion but watched she held up her arms but then brought them back down looking upset. I looked at Elijah confused.

"Figures your little brat a weirdo" I vamp speed and pinned her up against a wall.

"Don't you dare say anything against my daughter you wench."

"Beth not in front of Sophia" I huffed and let go. Just then the phone started ringing.

"Katharine?" I answered

"Hello Bethany." I sighed it was Stefan

"Where's Katharine"

"Where's Elena?" he retorted

"Safe, how long she remains that way depends upon you. So be nice to me right now."

"The same goes for Katharine" I snort

"Kat can take care of herself against the two of you"

"You mean the three of us. You're sister in law has decided to join team good guys for the time being" I huff facing Elijah. Bekah and I will be having words.

"Put her on the phone"

"Well she's not here right now, I left her with Damon and Katharine"

"We'll tell me where they are."

"Relax no one is going to get hurt as long as Katharine hands over the cure."

"For what, you to turn poor little Elena's emotions back on, by god you're pathetic." I shook my head

"Well then tell me where you are and we'll sort this out."

"humm Kiss my ass Stefan, Now have Katharine call me when's she's finished playing you" I hung up.

"your all idiots" Elena sighed

"Elena why have you abandoned your emotions" I took hold of Sophia and smirked.

"My brother's dead  your bestie killed him" she looked at Elijah. "you didn't know" she then looked at me.

"But you did" Elijah looked at me and I had a smile playing on my lips while I swayed from side to side.

"Bethany. What do you now."

"Oh nothing just that I ordered this hit on your brother in exchange for possible freedom"

"Beth?" 'Lijah questioned

"Katharine doesn't take orders." Elena stated

"True but she does take requests. Ask Nik if you don't believe me, he was there when I phoned her up and ask that she follow and find a way to kill him. It wasn't long after i got back she texted me telling me she got Silas to drink all of his blood then snap his neck. Epic way to die"

"You had your ex killed"

"Yep, eye for an eye and all. He killed Kol so i had him killed. Best thing was I didn't have to lift a finger." she tried to get to me but I snapped her neck.

"Dumb idiotic vampire." I sigh. That was when Katharine appeared.

"Sorry i got held up" she smirked

"It's okay."

"Is it true what you said?" Elijah asked

"About Jeremy, yeah. Before you ask you weren't interested with what happened because I had grieved and found a purpose everything else didn't matter. Now you too can talk because that little...thing has annoyed me. I know your planning to return to Mystic Fall but you're doing so without me. Katharine behave or I will bite you. Sophia say by to Daddy" I lifted her up and she pecked his cheek before we left.

This is the end i know its proberly a bit of a sudden but the New Orleans book is out next it covers the backdoor pilot and the actual episode of the first season on the Orginals. Love you all and stay Original's


Tasha Amy

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