Chapter 6 - Koleth Fun!

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I drove to north Carolina and had by Bluetooth on and called Kol.

"hello darling" he answered

"hey guess where I'm near" I grinned


"North Carolina Baby! I am incredibly bored and need you to...what's the word"

"entertain you." You could literally hear the smile in his voice.

"Yes. so give me the place where your staying and we can have some fun" he told be the address and I put it into my GPS then carried on. Arriving where Kol said he's staying and stopped the engine. I grabbed my bag and locked the car. I jogged up stairs to apartment 2c and knocked couple minutes later Kol opened up.

"Kol!" i grinned and hugged him. We had gotten close and I was always talking to him.

"so what do you plan to do" I ask

"no idea" I roll my eyes

"how is Sophia" I slapped my head

"see for yourself" I grabbed my phone and video called Elijah


"hey Elijah I'm here with Kol"

"hello brother why are you with my girlfriend" I grinned I loved it when he called me that

"because she got bored and decided to drive two hours to see me" I nodded

"Very well. When are you coming back?" he asked me

"ah well not sure. you see things are happening in Mystic falls and I might return for a bit only because I have a bad feeling shit is going to go down. If after the pageant I decide to stay you could come back with Sophia?" I bit my lip.

"I have no desire to set foot back in that town unless called for." i sighed

"You Mikaelson's are so stubborn. How is Sophia can we see her." He nodded and turned the camera around. Sophia was playing with her toys.

"I never seen her before she looks like you." He smiled

"have either of you heard anything from Rebekah?" I asked

"no why?" they replied Elijah's face now coming back on screen

"it's just I haven't seen her or talked to her since getting back" I shook my head

"I'll talk to you soon and let you know what I'm doing love you"

"love you too" i hung up.

"you two are adorable" i shoved him.

"let's change find a party and get high on blood who does that sound" i grinned

"how is it everyone says today. I'm in" we changed in different room I had on a peach strapless dress with gladiators and my usual protection necklace with feather earrings. Kol had a loose shirt and some jeans with smart shoes his spiky hair was no more and he looked awesome with bangs .

We hit a few bars mainly drinking alcohol until the night where we got high on blood compelling everyone what we saw not to alert anyone and just have fun. Lord know what time we crashed or what happened before we did.


the next morning i woke up smelling blood which put me on animalistic alert there was a sleeping girl with blood trickling out of her i knew she was alive cause her chest was rising and falling. i stood up and felt a little sore i looked at my wrist and found a tattoo it had Niklaus Rebekah and Kol friends forever in a infinity knot

"what the hell" then on the wrist was Elijah Mikaelson shaped in a heart i went to the bathroom i looked in the mirror on my back was two baby feet with Sophia Autumn Gilbert and the day she was returned to me. i looked around for Kol who was asleep on the sofa.

"Kol wake up" i shoved him he shot up

"what Beth" he growl

"check your wrists" he looked down he had Bethany and Kol friends forever

"what is this?"

"a tattoo i have three. We must have got high last night" i showed him mine

"wow that had to be the most fun night ever. you're a animal" I grinned

"So I've shown you the wild side of having fun let me show you the chilled out" i grabbed my purse and went for a movie (Red Dawn 2012) and got takeaway as well as beer (with a little compulsion) and went back to the flat. The pre owned flat had DVD so i popped in the film and we sat down.

"why are we watching this?" he asked

"it was either this or Twilight and i doubt you want to see good for nothing vampires seriously those ones are not badass like we are. Kol they sparkle in sunlight"

"good point" after we polished off food and drink we fell asleep.

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