Chapter 11 - Winter Wonderland Drama

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I was slowly moving into Klaus' Mansion for some reason, don't know whether it's the fact since i confronted Caroline and spoke to Klaus about what I've been feeling but. I think it's better for all of us if I'm not there. i was looking between two dresses that i could wear for the charity event. i had to be there early because i was Miss Mystic Falls.

Stefan had come in and was talking about Elena being sired to Klaus.

"sorry to interrupt but I'm having a royal crisis. Nik which one is better for the reigning Miss Mystic Falls . classically beautiful or bold and Gorgeous " i held the dresses up.

"classically beautiful" i smiled

"thank you. why is he here come to mourn the loss of his selfish girlfriend" i huffed

"something like that."

"as i was saying Jeremy has to complete his hunters mark but we can't quite figure out how to keep him from killing us

"sound like you have quite the chore" i covered my mouth to hid my amusement

"well maybe you are lying about having the sward" hum bold move

"why would i lie to you Stefan we're in this together. Bethany love care to get the sward" i nodded and went to his safe. Nik stated that i have his complete trust which means i know his codes and hiding places in exchange for him knowing mine.

"the hilt acts a cipher which we'll use to decode the marks when Jeremy has completed his mark" i handed it to Stefan

"where is Jeremy by the way?" i wondered out loud i hadn't spoken to him since the pageant

"no idea."

"i heard you moved out of your house bit of a martyr move hmm?" Stefan chuckles giving me back the sward.

"I'm not here to bond with you Klaus"

"oh on the contrary i think I'm the best friend you've only got"

"goodbye Stefan" he left and Nik looked at me.

"can you please put that somewhere else i don't trust Stefan." i nod and take my dresses back up stairs. leaving the sward on my bed i got ready for the winter wonderland. i place my crown and sash on before taking the sward

"Nik are you coming" i shout he appeared bedside me.

"patience is a virtue love"

"not when your Miss Mystic Falls. i need to go to mine and hide the sward" we got into my car and left. arriving i heard no one was in my old house so went in and hid the sward in a compartment then drove into town.

"still charming my sister" i question when i see him looking at her in the grill

"of course" i roll my eyes.

"go ahead wouldn't want to keep her waiting would you" he grinned walking away. i had children and townspeople asking to take pictures with me when i heard Caroline actually being nice with Nik which is usually a bad sign. when he went to get champagne

"Nik have you noticed that whenever Caroline is being nice. there is something bigger going on?" i wonder

"yes but doesn't mean she is now" i raised my eye brown

"course it doesn't and while you believe that i'm going to subtly keep a eye on everyone. see you later" i left and went to find Mrs Lockwood.

"hello Mrs Lockwood" i smiled she turned to me.

"ah there you are dear. you have a busy afternoon"

"well I'm ready to start" she went through about what was going on and what i had to do.

"...instruct the guests to drop their donations at the gift tree in the grill"

"yes Mrs Lockwood" she looked behind me.

"excuse me" i took to one side as she talked with Tyler. he looked shifty and kept glancing at me.

"Bethany you can go now." i nodded and walked away but stopped and scanned to see where they were. once i found them i listened in.

"Mom for a while me and Hayley have been getting the other wolfs to unsire them self from Klaus. it's been hard but they've done it and now we plan to take him out. Hayley has a witch that can switch me with him. we'll keep him in my body just long enough for them to disappear of the face of the earth. then we'll trap his body in concrete and switch us back." i gasped

"mom say something" he said after she was just sat there

"you're going to miss graduation. which is a ridiculous thing to worry about" i growled and went to find Nik. he was sat at the bar so i grabbed his arm and took him outside.

"what's all this" he asked

"you need to listen Nik cause i overheard this straight from the horse's mouth. Tyler and Hayley have been forcing your hybrids to unsire themselves" i told him.

"what" he growled

"they've been doing it for weeks and i presume that Caroline being all nice and warm toward you without a fight is to keep you distracted."

"I'm going to kill them" i pushed him to the wall.

"no. not yet at least look you have no more of Elena's blood and the fact that they're terrified of the both of us means until one or both of us is occupied and down they can't run. that and this a public event. i will try and dissuade Tyler with my charm and you keep your cool there is more than my sister distracting you at play. okay" he huffed

"you're lucky i like you"

"i know. now go back to being charming while i try with Tyler" i left. i found Tyler talking with some hybrid then the parted. i shoved him against the wall.

"hello Tyler"

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