Chapter 5 - Don't Screw With the Second Hybrid.

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Chris and Stefan left for the room Elena was being kept in and Tyler left altogether.

"Klaus wants you to go with Tyler" Chris lied

"why" Chris shrugged and they left. Stefan came out and Chris handed him the keys before leaving. things i did for Klaus i snapped Chris' neck and took him back to my room then strapped him up. i sighed changing back into my normal clothes and just sifted through the dresses. there was a gasp

"wha- what happened" i came out.

"i did. Seriously you hybrids and unsiring. You broke me away from trying on dresses" i sighed

"now what to do with you kill you myself or let Klaus do it lets see shall we. i brought out my phone and dialled his number

"now is not the time Bethany." he growled

"tough, now i have with me a unsired hybrid of yours. what would you like me to do with him" i asked there was silence on the other end.

"bring him to the Lockwood's" he ended the call. i freed him and brought him to the Lockwood's.

"hello love. shall we" he opened the and i pushed Chris in.

"look who i found Tyler" i grinned shoving him to the floor.

"your unsired friend. Klaus i never told you did i. Little Chris here is scared of me"

"how fitting love. as for you I'm sure you know there is a price for going against me" i folded my arms

"it just so happens that you that satisfy me in both ways." Stefan came in and staked him followed by Jeremy.

"Jeremy?" me and Tyler asked he looked at us both

"sorry" Stefan stated. Jeremy lifted up a axe and chopped Chris' head off.

"what have you done?" Tyler asked Jeremy looked up. i went to his side and gave the axe to Stefan.


the next day i as sitting in the front room with a glass of whiskey waiting for Caroline when she came down she stopped.

"hey" she said

" Caroline are we going to have another problem?" i asked

"what do you mean"

"for ages you've been trying to kill Klaus. i hope that after you all found out he sired out bloodline you would stop is that still the case" i took another sip.

"yes. Bethany what's got into"

"nothing just making sure. i love you and will protect you but if any of the others excluding Jeremy put a foot out of line. i will get very angry and i would appreciate if you'd pass on the message" i stood up grabbing my overnight bag.

"where are you going"

"i am going to visit my best friend i.e Kol I'm bored and he's fun so Laters"

"you can't just go what about the pageant" she shouts

"relax I'll be back. oh and tell Klaus if i don't speak to him first tell him to pick me a dress. bye" i was out the door and in the car of to North Carolina,

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