Chapter 10 - Klaueth

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That night i went to the mansion and fell asleep there. the next morning i woke up with my bag at the end of the bed. i changed out and showered before dressing and going downstairs.

"morning" i smiled

"hello love"

"Klaus do you know what's happened to Rebekah." he stopped what he was doing and turned around.

"no idea at all" i sighed my phone started to ring it was Elijah.

"hey Elijah" i left the kitchen and went to get some blood.

"Bethany are you alright you sound sad"

"Rebekah is missing i have no idea where she is. that and as much as i want to come home I'm going to stay on in Mystic Falls"

"Bethany, Rebekah can take care of herself and don't bother yourself with others affairs if you want to come back. come back"

"i do its just...look right now something is brewing and I'm going to try and keep a eye on Klaus. hey i didn't tell you this but I'm distantly related to your brother. no lie"

"you related to Niklaus how can that be possible"

"his biological father had two other children i am like his so many times niece. the whole Jameson line is practically werewolves" i drank my blood

"learn something new every day. do you want Pippa to bring Sophia to Mystic Falls"

"no she's safer with you. Jeremy is now a hunter. Vampire hunter i know but i don't think he's most Jeremy at the moment. is that okay"

"its fine look i will talk with you later. Sophia needs her bottle" i smiled

"give her a kiss from me okay. i love you"

"i love you too" we hung up and i went back upstairs.

"can i chill her for today please" i ask Klaus.

"of course. what's mine is yours."

"wow something tells me i won't here that often. thank you Klaus" i begin to make breakfast for us and we sit and talk that's all just talk like me and Elijah do sometimes.

"look Bethany I'm going to tell you something" i nod "Rebekah is in a secret place with a dagger in her hear"


"she knew where the sward was and didn't want us to have it" i shook my head

"where is she"


"look i will find her and untagged her. Klaus you need to sort problems out not remove them"

okay so not the best chapter but i didn't see anything i could do with 'we'll always have Burbon street' so its basically a filler. lv ya Tash

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