Chapter 10- Manners Aren't My Forte

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          “Neither,” I grunted, rolling me eyes. Moving away from the door frame I stood beside him in front of the sink. “I just like looking nice. Why? Do I really look that amazing?”

          Chris turned his gaze from at me in the mirror to at my directly. We grinned at each other before breaking into fits of laughter. I clutched onto him with one hand and desperately at my aching sides with my other. I’m not sure if we were still laughing about what I said or the fact that we couldn’t stop laughing. I struggled to regain my composure-trying to not look at Chris. Simply for the fact that if I did my laughter would start up again.

          “Hey, what is that?” Chris asked pointing to my wallet that I had tucked in the hand still by my side.

          “What? Oh, it was a joke. My friends got it for me a couple weeks after they remembered I had to move. They weren’t too happy with me when I reminded them but they eventually got over it. This was a going away present.”

          “Do you miss them?”

          “My friends?” He nodded. “Sometimes. I had some good laughs with them. We all knew that the day would come when I had to move so it wasn’t a big shock. Still, they treated me like I would be with them forever. I just wish I could say I did the same with them.”

          Chris looked down at me with a look of pity. I shrugged him off walking out of the bathroom. Then I said to him, “I’m guessing you’ve never had to move before.”

          “Only once, that was when I met Alex. He’s been my best friend since we starting learning to walk,” he added with a smile.

          “Damn,” I muttered, astonished. “Don’t you get sick of him?” I added.

          “Sometimes,” he chuckled, “but we’ve been through everything together. No matter how much of a pain in the arse he is, he’ll still be my friend at the end of the day.”

          “Aw, is Chris talking about little ol’ me?” Alex’s annoying voice pestered. He removed himself from the bedroom door frame and made his way to us like a stray cat.

          “Now I think I may understand his assliness to the fullest,” I stated matter-of-factly to Chris.

          “Not even the slightest,” he muttered. He began to walk out of the room and I followed him like a puppy.

          “You look really nice, princess,” someone whispered in my ear. Trying to ignore the goose bumps and the blush forming on my skin I looked at Alex’s Cheshire cat grin. I smirked at him and told him, “Thanks, but I don’t need you to inform me when I look good, boys tell me these things all the time.”

          I left him to pick his jaw up off the floor by himself. Walking swiftly to catch up with Chris, I made sure to add a swing to my hips to make him churn on the inside. I asked Chris how we were getting to the town and his face held a look of knowing.

          “Why Mia,” he whispered, “we drive.”

          “Oh my GOD!” I grinned, licking my lips. “This has got to be the best ice cream ever!”

          “We know Mia,” Alex and Chris chorused. “We told you that before went into the shop,” Alex added. I glared at them before shoveling my chilled creamy goodness once again. After I threw away my trash and something caught my eye.

          “Hey let’s go it there!” I exclaimed, pointing at the location.

          “The music store?” Alex asked. “Um, sure I guess but I have to check if the book shop has a book I wanted.”

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