Chapter 32: The Unstoppable Shredder

Start from the beginning

"It wasn't me this time!" Michelangelo cheered, earning a slap from Raphael.

"Donnie, put that thing on vibrate!" Leo hissed. Donnie gulped, pressing answer and holding the phone up to his ear.

"Donatello speaking," he greeted with a nervous tone. Footbots began leaping onto the roof of Shredder's lair, causing Raph, Mikey, and Leo to draw their weapons. "What?! Why?"

"Dude, what's going on?" Mikey questioned.

"Alright, thanks for telling us. By-" Donnie paused, letting the caller speak again. "Oh, sure, yeah. I won't. Ok, this is really a bad time so I gotta go, bye!"

He quickly hung up. "Kenzie, Sarah, and Kayla followed us. That was Abby calling, but she doesn't want them to know she sold them out, so-"

"Too late for that," Sarah grumbled from behind Donnie as she sliced at a Footbot.

"Shell," Donnie cursed under his breath. Kenzie gave him a glare. "I said 'shell!'"

"You three shouldn't have followed. Shredder has Stockfly, and he can easily fly up here and inject you guys with the MGE! What were you thinking?" Leo scowled as he fought off more 'bots.

"We were thinking that if you're risking you're lives to get rid of our MGE then we should help too!" Sarah retorted.

"Well that was a stupid thing to think," Raph reprimanded with an eye roll. Sarah returned the gesture.

"Well-" Sarah was cut off by a buzzing sound, that was followed by a fly mutant fluttering up to the roof.

"Boxmon Stockboy!" Mikey exclaimed with a laugh, causing the fly mutant to twitch.

"It'szzz Baxter Szzztockman!" the fly buzzed. He suddenly darted towards Sarah and whacked her over the head with the end of a sword from Shredder, making her collapse, unconscious.

"Sarah!" Kenzie cried, rushing over the Stockman only to receive the same treatment. Stockman quickly switched items, taking out a needle that he put into Sarah's arm and injected a gooey, gray substance into her like a shot.


"Sarah!" Mikey shrieked. He sprinted over to Stockman, but not before he injected Kenzie with her turquoise MGE. "Kenzie!"

Raph ran to help his brother, and together they slammed into Stockman and made him fumble with his sharp weapon. The fly mutant dropped the sword, but still held Kayla's mutagemia.

"You'll never szzztop me!" he buzzed tauntingly. The multi-eyed mutant laughed, zooming towards Mikey and grabbing one of his nunchucks. He zipped over to Kayla and slammed the orange-clad turtle's weapon into her, all before Raph and Mikey could even realize where he'd gone.

Stockman quickly gave Kayla the MGE shot, and then flew away with a sinister cackle that was only more scary-sounding because he was a fly.

"They're under Shredder's control," Mikey whispered. "We couldn't save them."

Raph frowned at Mikey's sadness, turning to comfort him, but was interrupted by a loud shout of anger. Both Mikey and Raph turned to see that Abby had arrived and was marching towards them, her all-white eyes trained on Stockman. Whenever a Footbot jumped at her, she simply attacked it and ripped it apart before turning back to the hovering fly.

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