Season 2: Chapter 15

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“Ahaha,” Kakashi sweat-dropped, fearing the worst from Hisayo. “see, Akio? I told you so.”

“Ah, yes, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.” Akio also held a drop of sweat, knowing they’d been caught.

The two former Ookami, back in human form, and Kakashi, had ceased in their movements to try and smooth things over. By that point, they were on the edge of the village, under the cover of the trees still.

Hisayo’s arms were crossed, an angry tick mark over her head. “I want an explanation, and you had better make it quick. As you can tell, I’m not happy.”

Kakashi frowned, but gave in with a sigh. “There were…complications…just after Sasuke’s match.”

“You’re beating around the bush, Kakashi.”

Akio stepped in to explain. “Orochimaru approached us—Satoru as well.”

Hisayo’s eyes went wide, showing a rare display of great emotion. “What!?”

“Don’t worry, nothing happened.” Kakashi said. “They left.”

“Obviously, or you wouldn’t have shown back up during the prelims.” Hisayo glared at the two, who remained calm so far. “I knew something was wrong after you came back. You two purposely ignored me and were going to continue to, weren’t you?”

“And what would you have done had we told you of what happened?” Akio asked with the seriousness clear in his voice.

“I’d have gone to deal with them. We need to take care of them as soon as possible or we’ll only continue to have problems.”

Akio sighed. “I had figured as much. That is exactly why I chose to say nothing. Kakashi agreed as well.”

Hisayo growled, “Akio, but I can fight them, even if I have to take—”

“You would lose fighting those two alone.” Akio harshly cut Hisayo off, surprising her, but he had effectively quieted her and made her pay attention. “Orochimaru is after you too, Hisayo—not just Sasuke. You already fought him once and lost. It’s obvious how powerful he is so don’t be a fool and make it easy for him to get a hold of you! And Satoru…he’s not the same as he was two years ago. Currently, as we are, we don’t stand a chance against him; that I am certain of.”

Hisayo swallowed hard, finding it difficult to argue with Akio when he made those points, and especially when he had spoken in such a tone. “Then, what about Sasuke?” She morbidly spoke, trying to get past Akio’s rightful scolding.

“That’s why we left.” Kakashi said. “I had left a team of Anbu with him at the hospital. We were going to check on him.”

“I assume you’d argue against me following along?” Hisayo thought she knew they would.

Akio sighed, seeing the submissive expression he had brought to her face. He felt bad for being so harsh with her. “I suppose it would be alright. With Anbu there with us, I don’t think there’d be much threat sent our way. You and I aren’t staying long however, Hisayo.”

Hisayo nodded, her face appearing more relaxed now, but a sudden thought returned to her. “What about that boy from Suna?”

Kakashi turned to Akio, remembering the older man’s wish to not discuss the boy earlier. “Yes, what were you two going on about? I believe you said he wasn’t ‘ordinary’.”

Akio shook his head. “That boy isn’t a priority right now, Hisayo. We have bigger fish to fry, I’m afraid.”

“But aren’t you curious?” Hisayo asked. “I can’t be the only half demon around, can I? What if there are more like me? What if that boy is another?”

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