Season 3 Episode 9: The Shadow and the Cipher

Start from the beginning

"Besides, we feel like we've explored every inch and crevice of this thing too. But no, we're forced to come out here every day and investigate it."

"Well yeah, it's your job!"

"But Silana, what else does our advanced society have to gain from it?"

"Look, this thing is so huge, there's just no way you've examined all of it."

"You might be surprised...and not in a good way."

"Ugh, would you please stop being so negative?"

Silana energetically raced ahead of everyone else, the exploration party chasing after her. "Hey, wait up!" they yelled.

One of the natives then asked, "Has anyone else realized how much she talks?!"



"Well, well, well. Look who it isn't. Hello Wendy, hello world, hello...stupid Mindscape!" Bill barked, chuckling at first. The world around them had indeed gone grey, though Wendy hadn't exactly payed attention to it. Her gaze was focused on the dream demon in front of her.

"Ha! And look at you," Wendy snarled, axe at the ready. "Right back where you started."

"Ugh, don't remind me," Bill angrily rolled his eye.

"So, since you 'know everything' and all, can you tell me where this evil Sil-person took Stan and the others?"

"Oh, right!" Bill circled her just as he had Gideon when first summoned. "Sil. Forgot about her. Uh, yeah. It seems to me like she's trapped your pals somewhere...underground. At least, that's what I saw last before being torn away from Stan's brain." Bill humorously shivered.

Wendy lowered her weapon. "Wait, underground? What, in like, Ford's bunker?"

"I'm not gonna give everything away that easily. You shook my hand, didn't you?"

"Correct. So I freed you, thus meaning you owe me a favor. So tell me where they are, Bill!"

"Well played, Wendy." Bill floated downward so that he was beside her. The guy casually placed an elbow on her shoulder. "You're quite a bit sassier than I remember."

"Just get to the point!"

"Aight, they are in Sixer's bunker. I don't really think Sil was thinking about where she was hiding them. She stuffed 'em in the first place that came to her mind, thinking they wouldn't be able to reach me. Lo and behold, you got away and came here!"

Wendy shoved him away, defensively pressing the tip of her axe into his bow tie. "I didn't get away, I wasn't taken to begin with! And I knew to come here because Stan left me a note."

"Are you sure Stan was the one to leave it?" Bill asked, narrowing his eye.

Wendy's eyes widened. "You're not saying...Sil left that note, are you?"

"She forged the letter that got Dipper and Mabel here, didn't she?"

"But if she did, then that would mean...she wanted this to happen!"

"So what are you gonna do? Stay here in the woods and whine or go save your friends? Either way, as of now I'm not leaving your side, kid."

Wendy instantly took off, racing to where she remembered the fallout shelter to be. Color had returned to the world, and Bill Cipher was nowhere to be seen. Once she'd located the tree that gave access to the bunker, she urgently opened the thing and rushed inside. Just after getting down the stairs, the teen was surprisingly tackled by Mabel.

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